Heroes Cry

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"That's if she's still alive."

Quite the mood breaker, Rock Lock.

"If all your guesses are right, then this leader of theirs probably sees the girl as the core of his plan or something worth hiding. But there must've been some sort of trouble because she got out! And not only that, but these junior heroes here gotta glimpse of her!"

"It would be odd to abruptly kill her after doing so much simply to keep her alive." You said, straightening out the papers in front of you. "There had to be a reason for him to bring her out like that. If he was trying to conceal both her identity and existence, she wouldn't have been let out in the first place. The only issue would be the location at that point, as they've likely changed location."

Ryukyu hummed in agreement. "So is there any way of knowing where she's located?"

"Beyond the unclear nature and scope of their plan, should we fail to end this in one strike, we won't get another chance." Nighteye displayed a map behind him. "Which brings us to the organizations that Hassaiki has contacted, as well as it's verified properties. Through investigation, we've compiled a list. I'll be asking you to check out certain groups and locations on your own."

You rubbed your temples. I swear, this guy might be worse than my father. She's only a child. You were suddenly shocked by a surge of energy coursing through your feet and throughout your body, your feet raising from the floor.

"You're mighty cautious for someone who's as a sidekick of All Might!" Fat Gum roared. "While we're here twiddling our thumbs, little Eri's probably crying somewhere!"

"We can't do things the way All Might would! We must rely on analysis and precaution to raise our chances of saving her!"

Gran Torino stepped into the bickering. "No use in getting worked up. If we go big and mess up, they'll get away. Just like how Stain's arrest was actually good for the PR and the League of Villains."

"Y'all are overthinking this! All talk and no action leaves us dead in the water!"

You cleared your throat. "Fat Gum." He paused and looked to you. "Before we jump to anything," You turned to Aizawa. "What was your question, Aizawa-sensei?"

Aizawa bowed his head in thanks and faced Nighteye. "I'm not exactly sure how your ability works, Nighteye, but why don't you use your Foresight to see what sort of fate awaits us? Going forward without that knowledge seems irrational."

"I.. can't do that." There was hesitation in Nighteye's voice. "Once my quirk is activated, it has a 24 hour cooldown period, so I can only view one hour of one person's life each day. The images appear in my head panel by panel. After using it, it's like I watched a recorded footage of that person's life, but it plays in the perspective close to the person in question."

You tilted your head. "You seem hesitant. That's not the reason you don't want to, is it?"

Emotions weren't something you were good at expressing, but seeing them, feeling them second-hand; you were good at that.

"Yeah, it seems like plenty to me." Aizawa added.

Indeed, Nighteye was hesitant. But he did answer. "Well, for one thing, what if, in the near future, what awaited the person was death? Even a merciless, gruesome death?"

"Well that sounds pretty dam useful if we knew that we're gonna die!" Rock Lock's frustration reflected in his voice, rather insensitively. "I don't get it, Nighteye! C'mon, why don'tcha take a look at me? I'll avoid whatever you tell me!"

"I have a question for everyone here." You started. "If you were given a choice to know when you die or how you die, which would you choose?"

He furrowed his brow at the odd question, but answered, "When I die, I guess."

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