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He mumbled something and turned away from his lit up phone, but heard it buzz again. With a sigh, he picked up his phone and texted back.


Is Y/N with you?

He looked around and texted back, No. Why?

She's not here

He furrowed his brow and looked at the time. 9:30am. "She has no need to not be there..." He was about to get out of bed before his phone buzzed again.

We'll go look for her. You can stay in your room

Now he raised a brow, thinking he read the text wrong.

Why can't I look for her?


She's scared of fire

He stared at the text, his eyes seeming to fade as he let the words process in his mind. Then he threw his phone across his bed, it landing at the end and slipping off, a loud thud echoing through his dorm room.

My left side only causes problems, dammit.

He then realized why you were being so odd during the room presentations. Why you flinched when he reached out to you. You feared his left side.

Shouto looked at his hand and sighed, letting it fall to his side. One of the only people he cared for deeply was scared of him.

He picked up his phone off the ground and stared at it for a moment before ultimately deciding that he'd head out anyway. He always knew that you were acting odd before, but he never checked on you. It ended up being that you were suffering behind that cold demeanour that you always held.

"Todoroki-chan..." Tsu noticed once he walked into the common room.

"I have an idea as to where she might be. I'll go check while you search here." And with that, he walked out of the dorm building and into the night.

He specifically remembered something that you said to him during a training session.

"I like quiet places, but at the same time, I don't want it to be dead silent. It's odd coming into your ears, perhaps, but I know what I am talking about, so I have no need to elaborate for you. I doubt the information will prove useful."

Well, you were wrong for once. But he knew what you were talking about. You didn't like the loud noises of things of the unnatural, but you still wanted there to be sound of life somewhere around you.

He walked down the path leading to the dorms for a bit before stopping near a cluster of trees next to the path. It was abnormal, but he knew that it also wasn't there by accident. From what he remembered, beyond the small cluster of trees was a cliff overlooking the city.

Slowly, he stepped into the human-made forest and immediately heard a swishing noise, like water, but there was no stream. It almost sounded like the water was jumping or dancing.

He stopped at the edge of the tree line and saw one of the most beautiful sights he had ever seen.

You were seated at the edge of the cliff, quietly humming a song with your earbuds in while whales made of water were dancing around in the air as you watched. The wind was blowing leaves around them like the leaves were dancing as well.

But the most beautiful thing in his eyes was you: your expression was hidden from him, but the way your head swayed to the music that was playing into your ears, and the way your hands had no movement but knew exactly where the water and wind was going. It was all... elegant.

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