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You ran through the halls of the hospital. 

"Good morning Y/N." The doctor smiled at you and you bowed your head. "You're here to see Eri?"

You nodded, nervously fidgeting with your fingers. There was always a chance that kids were afraid of you since they're likely used to people smiling at them and generally seeming... approachable.

Yet, kids were never afraid of you, although sometimes it would be to your dismay.

The doctor led you to Eri's room and you saw that Mirio and Midoriya weren't there yet.

"Your fellow students will be arriving shortly." The doctor assured.

You sat next to Eri's bed and continued fidgeting with your fingers, feeling little ounces of energy from your quirk jumping from finger to finger. At least, that's what you thought it was.

"Hey Eri." You greeted. "Apol- Sorry I couldn't see you sooner."

She nodded slowly, her eyes travelling to your restless hands. "Are you... afraid of me?"

You shook your head. "I'm worried that you will not like me."


"I'm not.. the most approachable person." You looked down, finally letting your hands rest in your lap. "Are you afraid of me?"

Eri shook her head as well. "You're very brave... um..."

Does she... not know my name?

"My name is Y/N." You introduced, grazing your finger over your chest before letting your hand drop into your lap again. "Sorry, I didn't introduce myself properly."

"You apologize a lot, Y/N."

You normally wouldn't apologize so often, but it was some strange nervous habit that you developed after the incident with your father. It was like you felt you needed to apologize for everything.

Not only that, but people normally already knew who you were. You don't remember the last time you had to introduce yourself.

"It's a.. habit." You said quietly. "I wasn't able to bring a gift but..." You held up your hand, trying to do something with your quirk that you learned very early in your life.

A daisy grew in your palm, and you handed it to Eri.

"That's your quirk?" Eri asked.

You nodded, hoping the daisy wouldn't suddenly go aflame. 

She looked down at your arm, which was always bandaged whether you were injured or not. To you, your scars aren't the most flattering, even if Shouto insists that it doesn't bother anyone.

"You got hurt... because of me." She whispered. 

"Don't say that." You placed your hand over hers. "You didn't do anything wrong. None of us think you did."

"Yep, we're all happy that you're safe and sound!"

You flinched and looked at the door, where Mirio and Midoriya were just walking into the room.

"We brought you some fruits!" Mirio lifted a basket full of different kinds of fruits. "Want some? What's your favourite? Wait, let me guess, peaches? You look like a peach lover to me."

Eri was handed the basket and she held it up. "Apples."

"I knew it!"

You were given a knife and you began cutting the apples into little bunnies while Mirio and Midoriya spoke to Eri.

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