The Sports Festival Begins!

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Your eyes flickered open as you were faced with the infirmary's ceiling.

"Ah, you're awake."

You turned your head and were met with Recovery Girl's squinted eyes. "That boy with the red and white hair was quite worried about you. I told him to go home."

Red and white? Ah, Todoroki

"I see. I'll thank him tomorrow." You got out of bed and made your way to your room, where your phone rested on your nightstand. Once you turned it on, you had far too many texts from different people.

Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki had all asked if you were alright, since they were informed of the incident. Same with Kuroiro. Kaminari and Ashido had questioned what happened. Midoriya and Kirishima also followed you.

You texted them all back, assuring your were fine, and changed out of your hero costume.

After a few minutes, you got a knock on your door and you assume it was either Kuroiro, Mirio, or Nejire. You hadn't thought to check their energy first. Once you opened the door, you were greeted with cold, bi-coloured eyes.

"Oh. Todoroki." You opened the door a little wider so he could come in.

"I didn't know you lived in UA." He immediately said. You nodded and sat on your bed, shutting the open book on your pillow. "It's not necessarily a place someone would live in, seeing as there are times when there's no one around at all."

You looked up at him. "Is there any reason that you wanted to see me?" He shook his head. "My father stopped by today for a short meeting, and he told me that you lived here and that I should stay here for the time being."

"I see." You put your book on your bookshelf. "Thank you for your worry earlier, by the way. Recovery Girl informed me."

"You're welcome."

You took out your sketchbook and flipped through the pages. "Did you want tea?" You asked, noticing that he looked rather bored. "No thank you."

He glanced at your sketchbook. "I didn't know you liked to draw." You nodded. "It's not something I do often to avoid drawing requests or compliments. I don't wish for attention."

You looked up at him. "Do you want me to draw you?" It's not often for the artist to offer drawing someone else, but something about him intrigued you. Possibly the exotic hair, or the eyes. Perhaps the scar, but you knew that you shouldn't ask about it.


He sat still, not changing his position, but it was almost as if you told him how to look. Your gaze switched from him to your sketchbook, slowly drawing the lines that made his figure.

"Shouto!" The door opened and Endeavour looked inside. "It's time to go. Hello Y/N." You waved and Todoroki got up and followed his father.

"What were you doing?" Endeavour asked. "Y/N was drawing me." Endeavour stared for a moment. You always drew inanimate objects, with the occasional 2D character. Never a real person. He remembered from when you were learning your fire side.

You stayed in your room, eying your unfinished drawing of Todoroki. It'll probably be unfinished for a while, if not forever, since you and Todoroki didn't see each other a lot.

After the incident, the school temporarily closed, leaving you to simply do your hero work throughout town when you needed to. You would sometimes go to cafes with Mirio, Nejire, and Tamaki, and sometimes meet up with Kuroiro and his friends, whoever it may be.

"Y/N, is something wrong?" Nejire asked once. You looked a lot more tired than you normally did, and it was especially odd because of the fact that you didn't have to worry about school for a while.

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