Obstacle Course

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You stared at the screens and glanced at Midnight. "Isn't that a bit dangerous?"

People were all squeezing through the somewhat narrow tunnel leading to the outside of the arena. Midnight chuckled, patting your back. "It's okay. They'll be facing worse in the future."

You crossed your arms. "Right now is a good time, too." As you said that, ice shot out of the tunnel and froze everything surrounding it. "Sorry, but..." Todoroki ran down the course, ice covering the ground he stepped upon.

"You looked like you were expecting that." Midnight noticed. You nodded.

"Todoroki." You walked up to the boy and lifted his right arm. "If you're going to use this, don't simply use it for covering ground." He looked rather confused, so you demonstrated for him. "From what I've seen, many people rely on their feet for their hands to function. Like punching, they use their feet to propel themselves. Right?" Todoroki nodded. "Well, you either disable the hands or the feet."

"But," You looked further down the course. "The bird needs to jump from the nest by itself so that it can fly." Midnight could see your eyes smiling, but the rest of your face neutral. "On the other hand, I think he's already in flight."

Midnight looked at the screen and saw the villain bots from the entrance exams, but there was one problem: they were all frozen. "H-Huh?" You looked at the ground, hoping to find a bug or something to stare at.

"Such power!" Present Mic exclaimed. "It's practically unfair! Shouto Todoroki is passed the first barrier!"

The robots collapsed, the students from other classes staring in horror. "There were people under there...! Are people going to die in this Sports Festival?!" You stared at the fallen robots, knowing Todoroki wouldn't purposely make them fall for nothing.

Someone with endurance was under there, and he was about to emerge.

Kirishima and Tetsutetsu emerged from the wreck. "If it was anyone but me, someone would've died!"

Midnight sighed. "They seem to be the same person sometimes." You nodded. "They also have the same birthdays, according to their profiles."

Others made it passed the zero pointers, and were moving on to the next obstacle. Those who made it onto the next obstacle were mainly Class 1A, but that was only because they don't stop moving to marvel.

They knew what villains were, so now, those zero-pointers were nothing.

"I have to get to the next obstacle." You said, walking off. You appeared next to "The Fall", where there were multiple pillars, thin strings in between them. You were really only there to make sure nobody died, but if they did fall, they were out either way.

There were some.... interesting people there, to say the least.

"Companies, big companies especially, look at my babies!!" A girl from the support course, Mei Hatsume, flung through the air using her gadgets, who were these "babies" in question. You glanced to the beginning of the course.

Iida... you're a nice guy, but you look absolutely ridiculous.

At the end of the obstacle, Todoroki advanced, with Bakugou not far behind. You've caught at least 10 people at this point, so they were all out, but in all honesty, you just really wanted to get back to the stadium so you could see what was happening.

Once you did, you saw that the next course were the faux landmines. While they weren't dangerous, they seemed to succeed in blowing many people off course.

"Why weren't you assigned for both obstacles...?" Midnight questioned. "Probably because that one doesn't necessarily hurt people, but rather give them a scare. On the other hand...." You seemed to deadpan at the two in the lead, both fighting, but barely doing anything to the other.

Then, you were somewhat startled by a large explosion in the back. But, you knew your classmates, and you knew exactly what was emerging from the smoke.

"Midoriya from Class 1A is in hot pursuit!!"

You stared at the boy flying through the sky, right on top of a piece of the zero pointers. 

"Hey Y/N..." You turned your head. "Midoriya. Is something wrong?" He shook his head, sitting next to you. "You know how my quirk makes me break my bones and stuff?" You nodded, and assumed you knew what he was about to say. "Don't use it earlier on. I also recommend, if you make it to the one on one fights, to only use it when it counts. You need to remember that those who have quirks... tend to rely on them too much. Use that to your advantage."

"Y/N, do you teach these kids more than Aizawa does?" Midnight sighed. "You're looking at these kids as if they all came to you for advice."

"No. I just like watching my class, is all."

"You look creepy saying that with a face like that."

Midoriya ran into the stadium, Todoroki and Bakugou following, along with everyone else. "I guess I have to clean up now." You walked back to the course once everyone came flooding back into the stadium.

"Midnight, where'd Y/N go?" Midoriya questioned. Midnight smirked and the screen turned on, showing you, though this was unknown to you.

Everyone watched the screens, their eyes widening as the zero pointers advanced towards you. "M-Midnight, they might get hurt!" One of the students from Class C said. 

Suddenly, the zero pointer stopped in its tracks, and began shrinking. No, not shrinking. Crumpling. You clenched your outstretched hand into a fist as the zero pointer was reduced to but a crumpled hunk of metal.

Flames engulfed your body, melting away all of Todoroki's ice. The entire stadium shook as "The Fall" and the landmine area were all turned back to normal ground. You returned to the stadium and saw the screens.


Midnight grinned. "You need a boyfriend eventually, so you need to show your stuff!" You looked up at the students in the business course. You weren't entirely sure why they were even there, since they didn't really do much. But they did sell bentos, so you never complained.

"Mineta." You walked up to Yaoyorozu and a small flame appeared in the palm of your hand. "Ayayayaya!" Mineta hopped off and ran.

You walked back onto the stage. "The first challenge is over, so let's look at the results." The results showed on screen, and Midnight told the crowd that only the top 42 would move on. "Don't worry if you didn't make it. We have other things for you."

"The next challenge will be... a Cavalry Battle." You said. "The participants can form teams with two to four people, whoever they want. It'll basically be the same as a normal cavalry, but the points will be based on your position in the obstacle course.

Midnight presented the points on the screen, and you genuinely felt bad. "The first place winner has 10 million points!!" All eyes were on Midoriya. 

"You have fifteen minutes to choose your teams! Go!"

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