Vanguard Action Squad

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The next day, you had left the training grounds again to Kota's "secret hideout." 

You created little drawings in the mountain, using your quirk to make the indentations in the hard rock. "Kota, who's your favourite hero?" You suddenly asked.

He scowled and looked down the mountain. "I told you, I don't like-" 

"But you seem to be taking quite the interest to Midoriya."

Kota gritted his teeth and crossed his arms with a distinct pout. "No I'm not! I just find it dumb that he's putting so much trouble into being a hero!"

You hummed and got up, walking down the mountain. "Whatever you say, Kota. Your cousin stated that there would be a Test of Courage later today. Come on."

While walking down, you heard the distant announcement of the Test of Courage, also hearing the fact that those who failed the exams wouldn't be attending. 

You got back to the training ground, walking up to Todoroki. "I don't understand why we have to do a Test of Courage." You muttered while fidgeting with your fingers.

"You're not scared, are you?"

He nearly fell over as a small pillar abruptly rose under his foot and you looked at the ground. "I have no need to be afraid."

As the sun disappeared around the mountain, everyone being paired up with each other through the draws. You and Ojiro had been put together, but he mentioned, "I may stand out quite a bit next to you in the Test of Courage."

Class 1B got situated in the forest while you sat under a tree with Ojiro waiting.

Multiple people already entered the forest by the time you heard the distinct sound of crackling fire, with the burning fragrance travelling through the air. You looked up at the forest's edge, the dark sky now being lit up with aqua flames.

Pixie-Bob was flung across the forest, with everyone perking up and running after her... except you. 

You immediately ran into the forest, a small flame at your fingertip lighting your way. A lilac gas began creeping its way towards you, you knowing full well that it's an awful idea to breath in a purple-tinted gas coming towards you.

Blowing it away with a strong gust of wind, you followed a familiar energy from deep in the forest, barely noticeable if it weren't the very person you were looking for.

We have discovered one of the villain's targets!

You placed your hand over your ear to try and block out any excessive noises.

It is one of the students -- Kacchan!

Your eyes widened and you stopped, shutting your eyes.

Energy Enhance

The range of your energy travel circled around the whole forest for a few seconds, with you locating exactly where Bakugou was. The villains were bound to be heading in that direction.

A loud bang from the distance alerted you and once you looked over, you saw the familiar shadow through the tree branches. "Dark Shadow...?" You followed the rampaging shadow, hoping that the villains would be attracted to that in some way.

"I'm a bad match-up for you." Bakugou said, both his and Todoroki's hands radiating light to simmer down Dark Shadow. 

"Yes... thank you for saving me... I'm sorry. I was immature and let my anger lash out, hurting Shoji."

"Don't worry about that." Tokoyami looked up at Shoji. "That's what you would say, right?"

Getting back to the topic at hand, Midoriya devised up a plan. "Kacchan is someone that we know the villains are targeting. That said, we should probably escort him to the safest spot, which would be back at camp where Vlad and Aizawa-sensei is. In the clearing the Pussycats are fighting, so we should cross through the forest."

"But what if we ran into a villain there?"

"Well, we can use Shoji-kun's search ability, Todoroki-kun's ice, and if Tokoyami-kun is comfortable, we can use his invincible Dark Shadow. With that, we could probably even go up against All Might."

They walked in a group, with Bakugou begrudgingly staying in the middle. 

Soon enough, they ran into Tsu and Uraraka, both against a girl with blonde twin buns at the tope of her head and a murderous look in her eyes. She quickly pushed Uraraka off and ran, knowing she wouldn't stand a chance against everyone there.

Toga. Toga Himiko is what she called herself.

"Come with us! We're on our way back to camp while we protect Kacchan!" Midoriya offered.

However, he gained a confused look from both Uraraka and Tsu. "Kero? You're protecting Bakugou-chan? Where is he?"

Midoriya tilted his head. "What do you mean? Kacchan is right behind..." As they all turned behind them, they were met with an empty space where Bakugou and Tokoyami were once standing.

"The boy you're talking about..." 

All eyes went to a tree, where a man with a magician-like outfit was standing. "I took him with my magic."

He fiddled around with the marbles in his palm. "This talent isn't someone who should be on the hero side. We'll take him to a stage where he can shine more... of course, taking Tokoyami-kun was improv on my part."

"Give them back!!"

They all followed him as he off, contacting the rest of the so-called "Vanguard Action Squad." 

You swiftly stopped and looked off the path, feeling the energy of two people, one being Yaoyorozu, the other a bit unfamiliar. But what you could tell is that they were scared.

With a quick glance down the path you were following, you shook your head and ran in the direction of Yaoyorozu.

In the distance, you saw Awase and Yaoyorozu together, with Yaoyorozu having a shallow wound on her forehead, the blood dripping down her face. Knowing you couldn't get to them quick enough, you stopped aggressively at the ground, a jagged wall emerging in front of Awase and Yaoyorozu.

"Y/N!" Awase called out once you ran up.

"BACK OFF!!" You yelled assertively.

To Awase's surprise, the.. monster that was trying to attack him and Yaoyorozu stood up and walked away. Before it finally disappeared into the darkness, Awase ran towards it and attached a button-looking thing to it.

"Get back to camp to treat that wound." You said, running in the same direction you were before.

"...She looks really cool when she has absolutely no reaction to that giant thing." Awase whispered, Yaoyorozu nodding in agreement.

But in reality, your hands were shaking. 

Back in the clearing where the villains were supposed to meet up, a rather... unexpected thing happened: three teenagers pinning down a twenty-something year old magician man.

While it sounds far-fetched, it happened.

The one who started the fire, Dabi, put his hand on his ear piece. "Oi, get over here quickly, would you?" He raised his other arm. "Mister, get out of the way."

But before his cremating flames could reach them, a familiar figure ran in front and swiped it away like it was a candle light.


You were still, but surprisingly, so were the villains. Slowly, you looked up from the ground, your fists clenched.

"You promised!!"

Todoroki, Midoriya, and Shoji looked at each other, then at you. What...?

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