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You couldn't stop picturing Shouto's limp body cradled in your arms.

Perhaps that explained why you simply didn't think.

Flames raged from your hand without a second thought as to where they may burn.

Midoriya and Bakugou tried to step in, but they were threatened by the freezing air that kept the fire at bay. "Where'd all that control she was praised for go?" Bakugou sneered, brushing off the ice that began to form at the surface of his skin.

You breathed shakily, feeling this odd sting in your eye.

"Why?" You aimed a jet of water at All For One, which froze and allowed him to swat it away into small pieces. "Why would you take him?!"

Midoriya furrowed his brow. What does she mean?

"Oh, dear, you know how bad it is for things to distract you from your studies! Especially a boy."

You bulleted forward but you were swatted back, then you ran forward again.

"Y/N," Endeavour pleaded as he held you back. "Calm down."

"Calm down? Calm down?!" Your head snapped towards him. "He took so much from me! He took so much and I was expected, I was forced to just let everything happen and pass. Do you know what that's like, Enji?"

Endeavour's grip on your loosened for a moment. Suddenly, he thought of his children, and everything you said made all the more sense to him.

You didn't continue on, rushing right back into battle with only the intention to kill.

You wanted him gone. Forever. So you could never look him in the face again.

The face that grinned when it killed your mother.

The face from which the command to kill Shouto came from.

The face that you've had to endure for seventeen years of your life.

You got close enough that your life force entered his blood, but you didn't control him like you did before.

Hands in front of you, you started to spread them apart, the wound on All For One's arm ripping open.

He hid a cry of pain as one of his hands covered it. The other, enlarged from all his quirks, came to attack, bashing you back. "What an annoyance. There's truly no need, dear. You'll end up like your mother anyway."

You breathed again, although it got caught in your throat.

The sting in your eyes got more prominent as you faced the ground, your hands shaking, your vision going blurry.

Trying to stand was futile; there was a new weight on your shoulders that you couldn't life. As a matter of fact, it wasn't even yours.

It was a weight that shouldn't belong to you.

Or, anyone, for that matter.

You tried to hold it in. No way was this happening now. Not after all the times you just wanted to let everything out in the darkness of your room or in the freedom of the rooftop.

Not now.

You couldn't break now.

Your hands tightened into a fist and you tried to hide the fact that you were trembling everywhere, that your lip quivered as sobs tried to break out, that you weren't falling apart.

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