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You landed on the ground and let out a sigh. She was in Midoriya's hands now.

You stared at your hand, where Nighteye's blood was at your palms. It quickly liquified and dropped off your hand at your command. "Froppy!" You ran towards Tsu, who was with Nighteye, and knelt down next to her.

"Y/N..." She mumbled.

"I'm not sure what I can do." You said. "My healing has more limits. Anything herbs can do, I can do the same. Herbs..." You stared at the stone pierced through Nighteye. "...don't heal this."

"You guys... will be fine." Nighteye forced out. "At least... he's not coming after you... for now. He's heading above ground.. towards Midoriya and Eri. That's where he kill Midoriya!"

You stood up and shook your head. "Don't be silly."

"I'll smash right past that future!!"

"Midoriya will be fine." There was no hesitance in your voice, nor your eyes, no sight of uncertainty in your face. Because you were confident in Midoriya.

Shouto opened up to him for a reason. Something about that guy...

"I'll go check on Lemillion." You said. "Froppy, please come with me. Uravity, Deku is located at the surface."

"But, you're—"

"My quirk is too overkill to work side by side with his. He'll break away what I create and I'll make him lose focus. I'll simply be a nuisance. You, however, may be of service."

"Bring me up as well." Nighteye said. 

You and Froppy separated from the others and made your way towards Mirio.

"Mirio! Where are you?" You called down the hall. There was no point in calling him by his hero name. Desperation was what drove you, not professionalism.

You placed your hand on the ground and closed your eyes. But there was nothing. No energy was sent back to you, no vibrations tingled at your palm. "What...?"

"Y/N? Is something wrong?" Tsu asked.

You stood up and stomped at the ground to see if there was anything, but no signals were sent back to you. What's happening...?

"You haven't healed yourself yet?"

"What do you mean?"

Tsu pointed at your arm and you glanced at it. There was a shallow wound near your shoulder, but it didn't seem to major. You placed your hand over it, but you didn't feel it close up. "What is your problem?!" You questioned a bit too loud.

There was blood still on your hand, but when you tried to solidify it like you did when you normally get hurt or get blood on you, nothing happened. 

"Y/N..." Tsu began slowly and careful. "Did you.. get shot, perhaps?"

You looked at your shoulder. It didn't look like a bullet wound, it looked like something grazed you.

"...Dammit." You punched the wall, but it didn't dent like it normally would've. Then you kicked it, and it dented all the same. "What the hell?!" A defeated sigh left your lips. "Froppy... you go see to Mi- Lemillion. Just... give me a second."

Tsu hesitantly nodded and ran down the hall.

You picked up a piece of rubble and placed it in front of you. It shook a bit, went still, then burst into pebbles.

It felt like you were six again, never used your quirk before and just learning how to move a pebble.

Then it hit you.

Ice ColdOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz