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"Alright, here are some candidates for your one on one teacher for the next year." Aizawa laid out a few forms in front of you.

You moved a few to the side. "I'm not going to America."

"Why not?"

"I can't stand most of the people there." You skimmed through the forms for a moment before looking up at Aizawa once again. "So what makes these people so grand?"

You began fidgeting with the bandages around your forearms, most of the things Aizawa was saying going in one ear and out the other. Most of the time that meant that it wasn't intriguing to you, so you knew that you wouldn't choose any of those mentors.

Most of them were simply people with presumably similar quirks to yours. Others were simply good at teaching, but those who reside in UA are also perfectly capable of teaching.

"This one you might actually wanna listen." Aizawa emphasized on the 'actually' so you knew that he was aware of your disinterest in the other mentors listed.

"His quirk is called Info. He simply needs to touch his target and he can learn just about everything about the person, even things that they don't know about themselves."

You furrowed your brow. "Isn't that an invasion of privacy?"

"Not about their past or anything. Things like how many strands of hair they have or things like their vision out of 20. Nothing about your past that you don't want to say should be revealed."

"I see..."

"Maybe it'll make controlling your quirk easier." Aizawa straightened out the papers into a pile and slid it across the table. "I have a feeling that your quirk isn't what we think it is. He's in France but he can speak Japanese so you don't need to learn anything."

You nodded silently, taking the pile of papers and bowing. "Thank you."


Thinking about it now, it would be easier if your mentor knew a lot of trivial things about you. Spending at least twelve years of your life not knowing anything about yourself.

You simply said your quirk was Elemental Control because All For One told you to call it that.

Maybe this mentor could tell you more about... well, you.

But the forms were due the next day. You had to decide.

You signed the form for the mentor in France. His name was Justin Reeves, a foreign name in Japan but perhaps a normal name in Europe.

His quirk has caused him to have an increased intelligence compared to others. You wondered if he could go against Yaoyorozu. It does take an intelligible brain to get every ounce of information about one person, let alone multiple.

You pushed out from your desk and picked up the form, bringing it to Principal Nezu's office. You knocked on the door and heard the affirmative 'come in' from inside.

"I've confirmed which mentor I wish to have for the next year." You stated, placing the form on Nezu's desk.

He smiled down at the paper. "Alright. Your flight will be booked as soon as possible so that you can return as soon as possible. I do hope that you won't miss us too much."

You cleared your throat. "Right. Thank you."

When you walked out of his office, you felt that heaviness in you chest begin to weigh you down. You would be gone for a year. You would leave UA, or Japan as a whole for a year. It's the first time you went out of the country and you were doing it alone.

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