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How was it?

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How was it?

I immeditely crumbled the paper in my hand when Emma threw it on my table with an expecting look on her face. Now I've been carrying this for the whole day in my back pocket. I really don't have the nerve to talk about Christian and he wasn't in school this whole week anyways which I'm pretty happy about.

He's probably wandering around the streets selling drugs or god knows what. The important thing is he's not here which means I don't have to listen to Emma drool over him or Zayne complain that he's still at this school.

It seems like there's no other topic to talk about for the students rather than talk about Verona. It's seriously getting on my nerves. Besides Sam he's the only person at this school who doesn't give a shit and I'm more than thankful for it.

"Did you already start with your applies for college?" He asks me while we walk side by side down the hall which is almost empty. The students are already out school happy to finally be over with this day. The few wandering the halls must have another class or some club in school or something.

"Actually no. I just haven't got around it and I don't know where to either." I say while I look down at my black dress shoes, I haven't cleaned them in a while and it looks like I ran straight through a mud puddle before I came to school.

"You really need to start soon. Didn't your dad help you with your applications? I thought he was pretty big about college and all this stuff." Sam asks pushing the glasses up his nose. My dad is not big about college, he's a straight up fanatic. It seems like he can't wait for me to send out applications and then ship me off to college as fast as he can. To be honest it's not like I don't have the options but I just really don't have the desire to go to college.

"He's busy. What about you?" I wave him off because I don't wanna talk about my dad right now.

"I send one to MIT, NYU and am working on Cornell." He says with a big grin and I'm not surprised that he's already so prepared.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I say nudging his shoulder with mine beofre we stop at my locker. I put in my combination while Sam shoots me a smile.

"There's this thing called a phone and you know we're so edvanced in technology that we can call each other and see each other over the phone at the same time." I roll my eyes at his words and grin while I put my heavy books into my locker.

"It's not the same. Emma, Zayne and you are probably gonna be off to college and I'll still be here..prepare to have one stupid fact for me every time I call you." I hold up my index finger threateningly.

"Yes M'am. You wanna hear one now?" He asks.


"Walmart has a lower acceptance rate than Harvard." He says with a straight face and I tilt my head confused.


"Harvard has a 4,5 percent admittance rate while only 2,6 percent of Walmart applicants are accepted."

"Shit and I was so counting on Walmart to hire me. Now I have to come up with a different plan." I sigh before Sam and I break out into small laughter. I stop when a strong arm wraps around my waist while someone kisses me on the cheek.

"Hey." Zayne mumbles quietly in my ear and I smile at him while I see Sam already getting uncomfortable. He's great with numbers and facts but when it comes to physical affection he's out.

"I think this is my cue to go." He says pushing his glasses up the nose his cheeks already getting red.

"See you tomorrow Sam." I say chuckling lightly and he smiles waving at us before he leaves the hall.

"I haven't seen you this whole week I missed you." Zayne mumbles his hands placing themselves on my hips while I get on my tip toes and press my lips against his.

"I missed you too." I mumble against his lips and I actually don't know if that's a lie or not. But his hands feel good on my hips and I won't bother to move them. I sling my hands around his neck and move my lips against his sighing when his tongue grazes over my bottom lip.

"Can I come over?" He asks breathlessly in between kisses making my lips pull into a smile.

"I wish you could but my dad's not home and I don't think he would like me to be alone with you." Zayne grins  at my words and presses a light kiss to my cheek.

That was definetly a lie. My dad would welcome it if Zayne would come over. It seems like sometimes he can't even wait for me to get married to him. He wants some stability for me and he obviously sees that in Zayne, I do too. But sometimes I wonder if stability is really what I want. Zayne is just the safe plan for me and I know that's wrong in many ways not just because of the fact that I'm basically cheating on him almost every night at the club.

But there's no guilt on my back, no bad conscience and I know it's not going to suddenly kick in. I just don't care anymore after everything that happened. Nothing is going to stop me from working at the club because blush is keeping me alive. It's making me feel something.

"I have to admit he's right with that." Zayne mumbles and  I grab his hand in mine while we start to walk outside onto the parking lot hand in hand. My car isn't parked far away and I barely notice Verona smoking with his group  of friends a few cars a way.

"Connor's parents are on vacation this weekend and he's planning a little party. Maybe you wanna be my date?" Zayne asks once we arrive at my car.

"A little party?" I ask because I know Connor's parties are definetly not little. Zayne grins guilty while his eyes move to somewhere behind me.

"Okay I admit it's probably not going to be small. But I want to spend some time with you." He says and I nod because it's better to go to a party with him than stay at home. Who knows what happens when we're watching a movie on the couch.

"Sure why not. You pick me up?" I ask and he looks back at me blue eyes shining.

"Of course." He says before he leans forward and catches my lips with his again. It's a short but sweet kiss and before he parts us I grab his shirt and pull him closer to kiss him longer. I know I'm playing with him but my dad's not going to be home and I wanna capture this feeling before I'm alone home again.

"I love you." He mumbles when we part and he kisses my cheek walking backwards while I smile and wave at him. I watch him until he turns his back to me and starts to walk towards the back of the parking lot where he probably parked his car.

I lean against my car and take a deep breath in before I feel a little rain drop fall on my cheek. My head tilts back automatically and I look up towards the sky to see a big dark cloud move over  me. I look back down and start to dig for my car keys in my bag while my eyes move automatically and catch another pair staring at me.

Christian takes a drag from his cigarette while his eyes stay on me and a small shiver moves down my spine but I try to tell myself that it's due to the wind picking up. How long is he standing there? Was he watching me?

I finally find the keys in my bag and get as fast as I can in my car before the rain gets worse. Christian's still standing there the rain pouring down on him and his friends his eyes still on my car. What the fuck is his deal? This boy has definetly mood swings. I ignore his gaze and start to maneuver my car out of the lot to get the hell out of here.

𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐲 • Lorenzo Zurzolo Where stories live. Discover now