I Think I'll Rest for Awhile

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"You know if you want I could come with you," Sam says to Steve.

Steve walks towards the platform of the quantum tunnel and looks around. He is sad to see that Bucky won't be there to see him off but he knows how hard it would be for Bucky to see him go get his dream.

He really hoped his sister's letter would change his mind. He doesn't know what it said but he hoped she would get through to him like she always could.

Peggy gave him two letters before she died. One for Bucky and one for him. He was lucky enough to say goodbye to Lizzie before she passed but it still was amazing to be able to hold onto her words throughout the years.

She had wrote the letter to him on the eve of her wedding. She told him about how much she missed him and wished he was there. It tore him apart knowing that he missed the most important day of her life. He was supposed to walk her down the aisle.

This time around Steve knew he would get to. He only wished that Bucky was the one he was giving her away to.

"You're a good man Sam..." Steve trails off.

He is distracted by running footsteps. He sees Bucky run into the clearing towards them. Steve was so glad Bucky was there to say goodbye. It didn't feel right to leave him without a farewell.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I had to get something from an old friend," Bucky says.

Steve looks at Sam and then back to Bucky.

"Sam was just offering to return the stones with me but I was telling him that it's on me," Steve explains to Bucky.

"It's not like you're going alone. You wanted me to come with you. Do you still want me to tag along?" Bucky asks.

A large smile takes over Steve's face.

Lizzie did it.

"You ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?" Steve quips.

Bucky laughs remembering back to that tiny bar in Italy. His answer will always remain the same.

"Hell no. The little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb to run away from a fight, I'm following him," Bucky replies.

Bucky was more scared now then he was back when he first said it. He was scared to face her but he knew Steve would be by his side no matter what.

Steve walks a little away from Sam to talk to Bucky privately.

"I thought you weren't going to show," Steve admits.

"That was a real punk move, using her words against me," Bucky says.

"She was the only one who could break you out of all your stupid,"

Bucky lightly shoved Steve's shoulder. He tries to give Steve a chastising look but can't stop smiling.

Bucky's smile drops as what's about to happen sinks in. 

"I'm going to see her soon. Oh my god, what am I going to say to her? She's going to be so angry with us. Especially with me. She can't stay mad at you for anything, she never could," Bucky says.

Bucky is really starting to panic and Steve immediately goes to reassure him.

"She's not going to be mad. She'll be overjoyed that we're back," Steve says.

"Oh you want to bet?" Bucky responds quickly.

"You know I got a letter from her too," Steve confesses.

Bucky is surprised at this. He shouldn't be surprised though. He knew Ellie loved Steve so much. The had a bond that he hasn't seen since.

"When did she write it?" Bucky asks.

"The day before her wedding. She said it felt wrong getting married without me giving her away. She told me how much she missed us. It was the worst feeling in the world when she died. I lost the person who knew me the longest. The person who loved me through every second of my entire life. Reading about how she lost us was so painful. This time she won't lose us. She's going to be so happy," Steve says.

"Oh no, she'll be happy but she will also be spitting mad but I'm so ready to see her. She can be mad at me for the rest of my life as long as she doesn't send me away," Bucky admits.

Steve puts his hand on Bucky's shoulder and looks him in the eye.

"You are the love of her life. I don't know what's in your letter but I know enough from Peggy to know that she never got over you. I do expect you to ask permission before you ask to marry her though," Steve says.

Bucky laughs. Steve always knew how to break him out of his own head.

"I thought I already asked permission?" Bucky says.

"It's been over 80 years since you last asked. You need to reapply for my sisters hand," Steve explains.

"Okay, okay when I decide to marry your sister again, you'll be my first call," Bucky says.

Steve looks to see Sam and Bruce waiting on him.

"Are you ready?" Steve asks.

"As I'll ever be. I'm ready to see her though," Bucky says.

"You know we still have a few stops to make before we can go see her, right?" Steve says.

He tries to look serious but he's smiling so it doesn't really work.

"Details, details" Bucky responds.

Steve begins to walk away from Bucky.

"I'll get everything set with Bruce for you to come with me," Steve says.

Bucky watches as Steve approaches Bruce to explain the situation.

There's one more conversation Bucky knows he needs to have before he leaves. He begins to walk over to Sam.

They stand side by side looking towards Steve and Bruce.

"I wanted to apologize. She is my biggest weak spot and my best kept secret. When I found out you knew, I lost it. You still should've kept your feathers out of others business but I apologize for how I reacted," Bucky says.

"That's a pretty backhanded apology, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," Sam quips.

The pair fall into silence.

"You're a good man Sam. I trust you to take care of things while we're gone. I hope you find someone who has your back as much as you had Steve's," Bucky says.

"Maybe you can join the team once you get back. I may not like you but you're heart is in the right place and you're damn handy in a fight," Sam says.

Bucky watched as Steve walks back towards them.

"Maybe, but I think I'll rest for awhile," Bucky admits.

Steve walks back to Bucky and hands him a bracelet. He shows Bucky how to control the suit and how to enter in the dates into the device.

The pair walk up to the platform. Steve is carrying the briefcase with the stones.

Bruce starts up the machine and the flight suits incase Steve and Bucky.

"How long is this going to take?" Sam asks.

"For them, as long as they need. For us, five seconds," Bruce replies.

Steve looks at Bucky and Bucky replies with a small nod. Steve picks up mjolnir.

"You ready Cap?" Bruce asks.

"Yeah, we're ready," Bucky responds.

Their helmets activate and seal around their heads.

"Going quantum in three, two, one," Bruce says.

Steve and Bucky take one last look at the 21st century before they are sucked into the quantum realm.

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