Stop Checking Out My Sister

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The winter of 1933/34 was particular long

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The winter of 1933/34 was particular long. When the snows melts, the trio plan a much needed trip to the beach at Coney Island.

They save their money for weeks to make the trip perfect. They planned on leaving early in the morning and not returning until late at night.

The twins were always early risers so they are ready to go at exactly seven o'clock as planned. Of course they didn't end up leaving until eight, which was Bucky's seven o'clock.

They watch the sun continue to rise over the horizon. Besides school, they were rarely up this early and were enjoying the brisk morning air.

Lizzie had her eyes closed and she was soaking in the sun coming through the windows with a small smile on her lips.

Bucky couldn't help but stare at her. She looked so beautiful with the morning sun on her face. He could see the small freckles that dotted her nose and her long pale eyelashes that were brushing her cheeks. He loved the little smile she had on her perfect lips that always looked so soft.

He is broken from his reverie with a sharp jab in the ribs.

"What was that for?" Bucky glares at Steve.

"Sorry, elbow slipped," Steve says in an annoyed tone.

The rest of the train trip goes without incident and they arrive at the beach just in time because not twenty minutes later, the beach is swamped with people. They weren't the only ones to take advantage of the first beautiful day of the year. Luckily, the trio got a nice spot right next to the boardwalk.

They decide to eat before they head into the water. Lizzie packed several sandwiches to eat. They all knew they would eat some hotdogs and other snacks later in the day.

Lizzie decides to eat only half of her sandwich so she finishes well before the boys.

"I'm going to hop in the water. Will I see you boys when you finish eating?" Lizzie asks.

"You bet," Bucky responds.

Lizzie takes off her dress to reveal her bathing suit and runs off towards the water.

Bucky stares after her. He did not remember her having those legs last summer.

Steve then slaps Bucky upside the head.

"Why are you hitting me?" Bucky says while rubbing his head.

"Could you please stop checking out my sister?" Steve asks.

"I wasn't checking her out... I was just looking at her bathing suit," Bucky says.

"What's your excuse for checking her out on the train?" Steve says.

Bucky tried to think of an excuse but could come up with nothing.

"I'm sorry Steve. I dont know, I guess this last year I started to notice that she's a girl... a really really pretty girl. Beautiful actually," Bucky says.

Steve makes a disgusted face.

"I really don't need to hear about how attractive you find my sister. I just need you to try to stop. I don't want her thinking that you might be interested in her," Steve says.

"Well, what if I am interested in her. Would that be so bad?" Bucky asks.

"The word catastrophic comes to mind. I've never seen you with a girl for more than a date. You don't do commitment and you could never do casual with her. In the end, you would both be heartbroken and might not even be able to salvage a friendship," Steve says.

Bucky knew all of this but it still hurt to hear his best friend wouldn't approve.

"Now, if you ever decided to get serious, that would be another discussion," Steve says.

Bucky looks quickly over at Steve to see if he's joking but he looks dead serious.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Bucky demands.

"It means that if you ever can get yourself together, I think you'd be really good together. However, I don't even want you to think about the subject until you've got all your commitment issues out of the way," Steve explains.

"I'm not asking but theoretically, say I did pull myself together. Would you be okay with us being together?" Bucky asks.

Steve gives a small smile.

"Theoretically, I'd say that you're the best man for her," Steve says.

Steve then gets up to meet his sister in the water. Bucky begins to ponder the conversation he had with Steve.

Could Bucky ever be the man that Steve wanted him to be? Could he be a man who deserves Ellie?

He looks out and sees Ellie splashing Steve after he pushed her into the water. She tries to look stern but can't stop laughing. Her blonde hair is soaked and is covering her face and he can't help but think how adorable she looks.

No, he could never deserve Ellie but he doubted any man could. What he really had to ask himself was could he make her happy.

He knows that he would do his best to take care of her and make her smile everyday.

She makes him want to be a better man, a better person.

If he had her, he knew no other woman could tempt him away because she was... just... everything.

He realized in that moment that he was in love with Elizabeth Grace Rogers and he had no idea what he was supposed to do about it.

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