I Just Saved Your Life You Idiot

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Lizzie showed up at work one morning and was immediately met by her boss.

"Elizabeth, I'm so glad you're here. I need a big favor. The recruitment office is really low on nurses to assist with the physicals today, do you think you could go down and help out?" He asks.

Probably all the other turned him down already. Working with rowdy men all day isn't many nurses first choice but Lizzie found that it's not all to hard to ignore them.

"Sure, absolutely. I'll head over there now," she says with a smile.

She walks over to the recruitment center which luckily isn't too far from the hospital.

When she arrives she goes to check in with the head nurse.

"Hi, I'm Elizabeth Rogers. I got called in to help with the physicals," Lizzie says.

The head nurse looks at her then back down at the clip board.

"Any relation to Steven Rogers?" The nurse asks.

Lizzie is confused, how does she know Steve?

"He's my brother, why?" Lizzie asks.

"We have a policy that relatives can't perform physicals on relatives," the nurse explains.

It takes a long second to understand what she is saying.

"Are you telling me that my brother is here for a physical to enlist?" Lizzie asks.

The nurse seems surprised that Lizzie seems so shocked.

"Yes, didn't you know?" She asks.

"If you'll excuse me for a second," she says politely.

Lizzie is usually quite professional and doesn't let personal matter get in the way of doing her job but that rule was definitely going out the window today.

She walks quickly to the waiting room in search for her idiot brother.

It's hard to see him because he is sitting in a group of men that are significantly taller than him but she finds him anyway.

"Steven Grant Rogers!" Lizzie yells.

His eyes widen in shock and he quickly gets up and goes to her. He knows if he doesn't, she'll scream at him across the whole waiting room.

"You better hope that I'm imagining you being here," Lizzie says.

"Lizzie, just listen," Steve starts.

"Are you suicidal? Because that's the only reason I could see for you joining the army," Lizzie says.

"I should be able to fight for my country just like any other man here," Steve says,

"No, you mean die for your country. If you go, you will die, Steven!" Lizzie says.

"I don't believe I will," Steve says.

"What happens if you have an asthma attack during a mission? Not only will you make yourself an easier target, but you will endanger all of the people on your team," Lizzie says.

"My asthma hasn't been that much of a problem since we were kids," Steve says.

"Do you really want to test that on a battlefield?" Lizzie asks.

"Steven Rogers!" A nurse yells into the waiting room.

Lizzie grips his arm when he goes to move.

"You can't stop me Liz," Steve says.

He yanks his arm out of her grasp and heads for the door.

"If you join the army, I will never ever forgive you" Lizzie shouts angrily.

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