I'm So So Sorry That I Left

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Lizzie has been up all night just thinking.

Last night was the last night in 1948 and her and Peggy stayed up late celebrating. Peggy eventually went to bed but Lizzie couldn't sleep.

When the sunrises, Lizzie decides she needs to get out of the house. She decides to go out to the old lookout.

Ever since she talked to Bucky on the anniversary of his death, she has been better about allowing herself to think about him. It hurt more than burying him in her mind but he deserves to be remembered.

As she sits on the rocks she realizes that she will never move on from the boys but maybe it's time to live for their memory instead of in spite of it.

She knows that Steve and Jaime would want her to be happy.

Stan left over six months ago and she misses him. Not because she loved him but because he helped with the loneliness and he was a good companion.

She will never love him like he wants but he's willing to take what he can get. How many other men would offer her the same?

She's thought about tracking him down but can never bring herself to, but maybe it's time to give it a chance.

It's a new year after all and maybe it's time for some change.

It's been six years since she last saw Steve and Bucky but they still haunt her. Maybe it's time to let them rest.

As soon as she decides this, it's like the ice that has been in her soul for so long is finally gone.

She's had the ice in her since Stevie died.

She can't believe that simply deciding to let Steve and Bucky go would release the cold that never went away.

Lizzie doesn't know if she should feel happy or sad that the ice is gone.

She should be happy that she is moving on but she is devastated that she seems to be moving on.

Across town, Bucky and Steve have just reappeared in an alley.

"Did it work? Are we there?" Bucky asks.

They quickly remove the outer clothes they were wearing to reveal clothes that could pass for the 40s fashion.

They couldn't exactly go running around in their combat suits.

They leave the alley and begin walking down the familiar streets. They seem to be in the right time period based off of their surroundings but they aren't 100% sure yet.

They reach a hot dog stand and see that the vendor is reading a paper.

"Hey, can I see your paper really quick?" Bucky asks.

The man stares them up and down really quick before handing it over.

Bucky flips it over to the front cover and the headline is about Stark Industries which Bucky ignores.

His eyes trail up to the date: January 1st, 1949.

They did it. They were in the same city as their girls.

Suddenly, neither of them can wait any longer.

"Thank you," Bucky says before handing the paper back to the vendor.

They turn and start running.

They navigate the streets easily and stop at a house that is so familiar to both of them. A house they both called home at one point.

They take a moment to take everything in. The girls were just through that door. Their happiness was just through that door.

"You go in first," Bucky says.

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