She Definitely Knows What She Wants

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Bucky and Lizzie went to Steve to explain the plan and he agreed that it was a good idea. He saw what his sister was going through and he's glad they were able to find a solution.

However, he wasn't all to thrilled about them sharing a room. Though he knew that they were in the relationship for the long haul, he thought it was a tad too fast. He also didn't think it was proper to share a bed with someone you weren't at least engaged to.

"Why can't Bucky and I share a room?" Steve asks.

"Because I'm a grown woman and if I want to sleep with my boyfriend, I will," Lizzie says.

She instantly realizes what that sounds like and her and her twin both turn bright red while Bucky laughs at them.

"Sleeping in the same bed... I mean we aren't doing... those kind of things," Lizzie rambles.

Bucky decides to take pity on them and interrupt.

"I'm moving in partly to help ease the financial burden but the other part is because I just want to live with my girlfriend. I want to share my life with her," Bucky explains.

"Then you marry her! You shouldn't sleep in the same bed if you aren't married," Steve says.

"Believe me pal, if I thought she'd say yes, I'd propose today but until she's ready, I think that this is a natural step forward," Bucky says.

"You know I'm standing right here," Lizzie grumbles.

"And you look beautiful doing so," Bucky says.

He goes to kiss her and she shoves his head back with a laugh.

"Okay, okay," he laughs with her.

Bucky then turns back to Steve to deal with the situation at hand.

"I love her, Steve. I know it's not traditional but we've never been traditional," Bucky says.

Steve frowns at both of them.

"I'm not happy about it, but in the end, it's your choice if you want to live in sin," Steve says.

Lizzie rolls her eyes at his melodramatic behavior.

"I can't wait until you fall in love and all you want to do is shack up with your girl. Then I'll be sure to swoop down and remind you of this conversation so I can protect your oh so innocent virtue," Lizzie says.

Steve knows that this is unlikely but he lets it go anyways.

"Fine, I don't know how much help I'll be but how can I help move you over?" Steve asks.

"You can help me pack up some of my stuff into boxes while Lizzie stays here and clears some space for me," Bucky says.

Luckily his apartment came furnished so mostly all he had to bring was clothes.

Bucky asked his dad to borrow his car so he could move. Surprisingly, his parents were more accepting of him moving in than Steve was.

The boys go up to his apartment and begin packing up.

"Did you mean it?" Steve asks.

"Mean what?" Bucky asks.

"When you said you'd propose to her today if you thought she'd say yes," Steve explains.

Bucky doesn't say anything but walks over to the bottom drawer of his dresser and pulls out a small box.

He tosses it over to Steve and Steve catches it. He opens it to find a diamond engagement ring.

Bucky leans against the door frame with his arms crossed as he watches Steve examine the ring in surprise.

"It was my grandmother's. After our first date, I asked my mom for her permission to give it to Ellie," Bucky says.

"Really?" Steve asks.

"Really. I want to marry her but she made me promise to wait at least a year before proposing. I know she loves me but I know she wants to establish her life before we get married. There are certain societal pressures when a couple gets married and those can be particularly harsh on the wife. She's so ambitious and I know she wants to at least get started on a career path before settling down," Bucky explains.

"She definitely know what she wants," Steve says.

"I wanted to sit you down and formally ask your permission but now seems like as good a time as any. I love your sister more than anything. There's nothing I wouldn't do for her. I can't leave her, I dont know if it's possible. She's the love of my life and I want to spend the rest of mine making her happy. I would like to ask your blessing to marry her," Bucky says.

Steve smiles at his best friend. If someone had told him that Bucky would be wanting to settle down at eighteen two years ago, he would have called them crazy.

"If she's dumb enough to say yes, you have my blessing to marry her," Steve says.

Bucky smiles and gives Steve a quick hug.

"Thanks Steve, I'll take care of her," Bucky says.

"I'd have said no if I didn't already know that," Steve says.

They finish packing the boxes and drive back over to the Rogers' house.

They bring the boxes inside and are hit with an amazing smell. They walk into the kitchen and see Lizzie cooking. She looks up as they come in.

"Now, don't expect this all the time Barnes. I'm only cooking cause it's a special occasion. Don't be expecting this every night," Lizzie says.

Bucky holds up his hands in a conciliatory action.

"I didn't even say anything," Bucky says.

"I'm just making sure you know what's what," she says with a smile.

The trio enjoy dinner together and then bring all of Bucky's boxes up to Lizzie's room and Steve leaves the couple to unpack.

It takes them a bit of time but they manage to fit all of Bucky's stuff in the small room. Their small room.

They both fall back on the bed and lay side by side staring up at the ceiling.

"I can't believe we actually did it," Lizzie says.

"We're officially living together," Bucky says.

He looks over at her and smiles.

"I can't believe you let me talk you into doing this. I thought I was the impulsive one," Bucky teases.

"You are the impulsive one. I'm the logical one, your impulse just happened to be logical for once," Lizzie says haughtily.

"You can admit you just wanted to wake up next to me. I'll admit, I look damn good in the morning," Bucky says.

"Careful Buck or you might just be spending your first night on the couch," she warns.

"Maybe I should stop talking," he says.

"You probably should," Lizzie agrees.

"I don't need to talk for what I plan on doing next," he says.

"And what's that?" She asks even though she has a good idea of what it is.

He proves her right when he pulls her in for a deep kiss.

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