Just Because it's Mothers Day (bonus chapter)

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A/N: Happy Mothers Day! This chapter is dedicated to my mother. She was so supportive while I was writing this book and read every chapter along the way. I am so thankful to have such a supportive mom. Happy Mothers Day to all the moms out there and I hope you enjoy this bonus chapter.

Lizzie woke up to screaming like she does most mornings. She loves all her babies but sometimes they really test her nerves. Unlike other mornings, her husband is not in bed being woken up to their little miscreants with her.

Amongst the squeals of her children she hears her husband's voice in a whisper yell that isn't quite as quiet as he thinks it is.

"Boys, you're going to wake up your mama. We agreed that we were going to let her sleep," he says.

Her heart swells at the sweet sentiment but he should've known that deals with the twins are useless. She walks downstairs to see the usual chaos that goes on in the Barnes' household.

Bucky has Natasha strapped to his chest while he multitasks between flipping pancakes and disciplining the twins. Obviously between Natasha and the boys, he hasn't been able to focus on the food as much based on the amount of burned pancakes in the trash.

Bucky had actually gotten much better at cooking throughout the years but his banana pancakes are a family favorite. Steve and Bucky usually end up making them for the kids at least three times a week.

"I'm up, my loves," Lizzie says as she interrupts the scene.

"Mama!" JJ yells.

Steven similarly yells and runs towards Lizzie. She leans over and in a very practiced move, hitches both twins on her hips. Her back pinches at the pressure of lifting them and Bucky shoots her a look of concern. The boys were almost five and they were getting too big for her to pick up. Bucky had tried to convince her that it was okay that she couldn't carry them anymore but Lizzie couldn't bear to face the milestone.

Lizzie walks over to Bucky and reaches up to place a kiss on his lips.

"Good morning," she says with a smile.

"Good morning," he says after placing a second kiss on her nose.

Bucky turns off the stove so he can wrap his arms around Lizzie with Natasha pressed between their chest. Nat squeals happily as she squishes Lizzie's cheeks with her hands.

"Mama! Appy moders da!" Natasha says.

Usually Lizzie can make out Natasha's toddler talk but she can't figure it out. She looks up at Bucky hoping he can translate but he just looks between the twins.

"Boys? What do you want to say to Mama?"Bucky asks.

"Happy Mother's Day!" they yell a little too loudly in her ear.

"Oh thank you my loves!" Lizzie says with the biggest smile.

"Happy Mother's Day, Ellie," Bucky says with a soft smile.

"Thank you, Jaime," she responds.

Standing in the kitchen with his family in their little huddle, he can't help but feel surreal. If he could have told the boy who got pushed down by Lizzie all the years ago that someday he would have all this, he'd never believe him.

There was only a handful of years between when they got engaged to when he got drafted that he actually believed they'd end up here. Still some days he shoots awake scared that this life was all a fantastic dream. However, when he wakes up, all he has to do is look next to him and she's always there.

The twins start wiggling so Lizzie places them down. Suddenly the door swings open revealing Sarah, Mary, and a disheveled Steve. Bucky and Lizzie break their embrace and look at the trio. At the sight of Mary, Natasha begins beating her little hands against Bucky's chest.

"Down Daddy! Down!" She yells.

Lizzie laughs a little as she helps Bucky out of the harness and lets her down. The twins and Natasha run over to their cousins and run off in different directions. Steve looks guilty at the intrusion.

"Sorry, my gift to Peggy was alone time and the kids begged me to come over. I didn't want to take your kids away from you. Oh! And Happy Mother's Day, Lizzie," Steve walks over and hugs Lizzie, placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Thank you, Steve. Don't worry about the kids. This one is basically a kid so it evens out," she says as she pats Bucky's cheek teasingly.

"Just because it's Mothers Day I'll let you get away with that," Bucky pouts.

Steve can't help but let out a laugh at that statement.

"Please! She could insult you every way till Sunday and you would still worship the ground she walks on," Steve snorts.

"I mean, you're not wrong. She could set me on fire and I'd still think she's the most amazing woman on the planet," Bucky says.

"You're really laying it on thick today aren't you?" Lizzie asks.

"Well, if I treat you right today, maybe I'll get extra special treatment on Father's Day," Bucky says with a smirk.

Steve wrinkles his nose at the double entendre.

"And that's my cue. You good to take Sarah if I take Natasha?" Steve asks.

"Oh? So you get the peaceful ones while we get the terror trio?" Lizzie asks.

"Hey, two of yours make up that trio so it's only fair that you keep them," Steve says defensively.

"Fine. Im loading Sarah up with sugar before I send her back to you," Lizzie says.

Steve narrows his eyes at her trying to see if she's bluffing. He loves his daughter but she's so hard to put to bed and sugar will make it impossible.

"Fine... I'll take them but you owe me," Steve says.

Lizzie rolls her eyes at her brother dramatics as he walks out of the house after gathering the trio. Bucky and Lizzie walk over to Natasha's room and see her and Mary peacefully playing with dolls on the floor. They leave them to play and lay on the couch together. Lizzie lays across Bucky's chest and he strokes her back.

"I want another one," Bucky says softly.

"Bucky," Lizzie says in exasperation, causing Bucky to chuckle at her tone.

"Kidding. Well, mostly kidding," Bucky says.

They talked about having another kid but they both agreed that three is enough. With Bucky staying home and watching the kids, it was hard even with Steve tag-teaming. However, Bucky can't help but miss having a newborn. His favorite moments were when the kids were babies and he would have the skin to skin time.
Natasha was his little cuddle-bug for the longest time and now even she is outgrowing it.

"I miss it too sometimes but the kids we have are enough. I struggle as it is," she says sadly.

Bucky knows that Lizzie really struggles with balancing him, the kids and work. She's gotten a lot better with it and only works 9-5 Monday-Thursday and a half day on Friday.

"Elizabeth, can you look at me?" He asks.

She props herself up against his chest so she can look into those blue eyes that take her breath away to this day.

"I am in awe of you every single day. You work a full time job and manage to spend ample time with me and the kids. I know that there are some night that you only sleep a few hours because our time together is so important to you. I just want you to know that I see that and I appreciate you so much for it. You are the best wife and mother you can be and that's all we can ask for. I love you and I know our kids think the world of you. Neither of us our perfect parents but I think we're doing a hell of a job," Bucky says.

She smiles and brushes the hair out of his eyes. It's the most amazing thing that she gets to have such an adoring husband. He never fails to make her feel loved and supported. They had a rough few years at the beginning of their marriage but they figured it out. They've learned how to communicate and how to ask for help when they need it.

"What did I do to deserve you?" She asks with a soft smile.

"You existed," he responds easily.

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