Full On Traditional

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They decide to get married the next day. They already had enough excitement for one day but they didn't want to wait any longer.

"You can't see each other before the wedding, it's tradition," Peggy says.

"That's impossible, we live together," Lizzie says.

She also can't stand the idea of spending the night without Bucky.

"Steve and I will run interference," Peggy says.

Bucky and Lizzie both look at Steve. Steve is the one that is more likely to crack out of the two of them.

Steve looks so uncomfortable because he knows he wouldn't want to be separated by Peggy if he was in their place but he also doesn't want to go against Peggy.

"You can survive one day, I'm sure," Steve finally says.

"No, we are the ones getting married, we should get to decide how we do things," Bucky insists.

Peggy knows she'll never convince Barnes but she might be able to convince Lizzie and if she can convince Lizzie, Barnes will fall into line.

"Come on Lizzie. We'll go to a hotel and have one last girls night. You'll be a boring married woman after this. Please? One more night with my best friend?" Peggy begs.

Steve doesn't like this change of events because that means he'll be separated for Peggy too. However, it would be pretty hypocritical to back out at this point.

One look from Lizzie and Bucky knows that she's caving. She won't say no to Peggy's request if it's for Peggy's happiness.

Lizzie gives Bucky a pleading look and he knows she's asking for his permission. He doesn't want her to feel guilty even if he disagrees whole heartedly. He'll make it through the night without her, he's done it before. He gives her a sad smile in acceptance.

"Fine, but I want to say goodbye first," Lizzie says.

Peggy looks incredibly pleased that she got her way. She nods at Lizzie in consent to her condition.

"I'll go pack our bags while you say goodbye," Peggy says.

Peggy walks out of the room, soon followed by Steve.

Lizzie walks over to Bucky and wraps her arms around his waist. He places his arms around her shoulders and rests his cheek on her hair.

"After tonight, we'll never have to sleep apart again. I promise," Lizzie says.

"I'm holding you to that Rogers," Bucky says.

"After tomorrow, I won't be a Rogers," Lizzie says.

He had worried about how she would feel about giving up her last name. It's one of her last connections to her family and he didn't want her to feel like she had to give up her name.

"Are you okay with that? There won't be an official record of our marriage so you don't have to take my name," Bucky tells her.

In the future, a woman had the choice to keep her maiden name but unfortunately women in the 40s were forced to take their husbands name. Lizzie had the choice that women of this period don't get.

"I'm a little sad that I won't have the same last name as Steve but I'll always be a Rogers. I want to be connected to you in every way possible and taking your name is one of them. I'll be proud to be a Barnes," Lizzie says.

He doesn't know why that means as much to him as it does. Maybe it's because it means that she accepts him. She isn't ashamed to be attached to him and all the horror that comes with him.

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