We Interrupt This Broadcast

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Lizzie has always prided herself on being an educated woman. She always wants to be knowledgeable about what's going on in the world so she has been following the situation in Europe for some time.

The war they have been fighting in Europe has been amping up. She hates that there is so much blood and death for no reason.

The Germans are worshiping Adolph Hitler and she can't figure out why for the life of her.

She can only be thankful that the war is a whole ocean away. She doesn't know what she would do if America was to face a war like that.

"What's going on in the world today," Bucky asks as he pours himself some coffee.

She looks up from the newspaper and frowns.

"It's getting worse. There are so many men dying over there and I wish there was something I could do. I'm becoming a doctor so I can help people but I just feel helpless," Lizzie admits.

He thinks about Lizzie working on a war front and has to grip the counter to avoid going into a dark place. So many of his nightmares center around her getting hurt or dying.

"I know but it's not our fight Lizzie. Roosevelt is right for keeping us out of it. It is horrible what is happening but Europe has kept us out of it and we need to stay out of it," Bucky says.

Lizzie understands where Bucky is coming from but there are so many countries that could use their help.

"If Germany wins, they are going to come here next," Lizzie points out.

Bucky doesn't want to think about what would happen if Germany invaded. If Germany attacked from the east and Japan from the west, there would be no escaping. He doesn't want to acknowledge the possibility but he also wants to quiet her worries.

"Well at that point, Germany will have just fought a war for years. They won't be prepared to face us when they've lost so many men," Bucky points out.

Lizzie sighs because she knows he's right. If Germany wins the war in the east, they will be in no position for a counter strike against America.

"I know, you're right. Their army will be tired and they will be on our land. If they choose to wait to regroup, we will be even more prepared by the time they arrive," Lizzie says.

Bucky can see the sadness that Lizzie is feeling. She hates feeling helpless and there is literally nothing she can do but watch all of this play out.

"Come here," he says.

Lizzie stands up and walks over to him. She wraps her arms around his waist and he wraps his around her.

They stand in silence for a moment, just taking each other's comfort.

Bucky knows that whatever happens, he will do whatever it takes to defend Lizzie. She is his first priority and he'd die to protect her but he really hopes it doesn't come to that. He knows she'd never recover if something happened to him and vice versa.

He places a kiss to the top of her head and rubs her back.

"Everything is going to be okay, Ellie," Bucky says.

Later that week, Steve comes over for lunch since both Bucky and Lizzie have Sunday's free.

Lizzie is cooking lunch and Bucky is helping by cutting the vegetables for her.

He finishes the prep work and just watches her cook.

It never matters what she does, she is always so entrancing to watch.

She is cooking at the stove and Bucky walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist.

"Bucky," she warns sternly.

He begins kissing up the side of her neck.

"Behave," she says sharply.

He might take her seriously if she didn't tilt her head so he could better access her neck.

He continues to distract her until she can smell something burning.

She opens her eyes and begins to try to fix the disaster.

"You're a menace. You obviously can't behave so go in the living room while I finish our lunch," she says.

He loves getting her all flustered but he heeds her advice and leaves the kitchen.

When Steve comes into the house he looks into the living room, he sees Bucky sitting on the couch. He is listening to the radio and drinking a beer.

"Hey Buck, where's Lizzie?" Steve asks.

"In the kitchen, she kicked me out because apparently I was just getting in the way," Bucky says.

Steve goes into the kitchen to see Lizzie.

She smiles when he enters and he gives her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Liz, need some help?" Steve asks.

"No, no, I'm almost done. You can just hang out with Bucky until I finish up," Lizzie says.

"You sure? I don't mind," Steve says.

"I'm sure, there's some beer in the fridge if you want one," Lizzie says.

He grabs one and heads out to Bucky. They sit in the living room and enjoy the smooth music on the radio together.

The music suddenly is interrupted by an urgent newscaster.

"We interrupt this broadcast to report on some urgent news," the announcer says.

Bucky and Steve both sit up straighter. They know whatever this news is, it's not going to be good.

Bucky knows that Lizzie won't want to miss this.

"Ellie can you come here please," Bucky calls.

Lizzie would usually question this but Bucky's tone urges her to do what he says.

She shuts off the stove and walks into the living room.

"What's going on?" Lizzie asks.

All Steve does is point at the radio.

"Early this morning, on December 7th, Japanese bombers launched an attack on Pearl Harbor. There are currently 2403 killed and 1178 injured. There has still been no word from the president but the press have been assured that our government is currently debating on how to proceed," the newscaster says.

The trio sit and try to absorb what they heard.

Bombs were dropped on American soil.

Japan just brought the European war to America.

They all knew that the government wasn't just going to allow this attack to go unanswered. They knew that this war just became personal and it terrified them.

All three of them started to wonder what they would do if America was brought into the war but they already knew that they would do whatever it took to protect each other.

They don't end up eating and the food just sits untouched on the stove where Lizzie left it.

They don't talk about what happened, they just sit there in silence.

Lizzie knows that both boys are going to want to fight and she can't handle the thought of them dying.

"Steve? Can you come here?" Lizzie asks.

He doesn't question her but just sits next to Lizzie on the couch.

She grabs Steve's hand on one side of her and Bucky's on the other and pulls them in closer to her.

They move next to her and they both hold her close, knowing that she needs the physical affection right now.

Bucky and Steve make eye contact over Lizzie's head and they both know in that moment that they will do anything to keep her safe no matter the cost.

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