That Was Quite The Growth Spurt

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Lizzie is reading the newspaper one morning and she nearly spits out her cereal.

On the cover of her newspaper, is Steve. But it can't be Steve. Steve is definitely not big like that man is.

The title says "Nazis In New York, Mystery Man Saves Child".

It's impossible but she can't help the feeling that that is her brother.

She felt the most peculiar pain yesterday and she knew something was happening to Steve. Could that something have changed Steve into that?

Lizzie has studied many different fields of medicine but hasn't seen anything that could so rapidly change a person like that.

What is happening to her brother?

Soon enough, a man named Captain America pops up in the paper. He is traveling around the country performing in shows.

Lizzie knows that her brother is Captain America but she wants to see him with her own eyes. She wants to talk to him and ask what happened to him.

She looks at the tour schedule and notices there is a show scheduled in Philadelphia so she takes the day off work and takes the train ride to Philly.

When she gets to the theater, it is packed. She barely finds a seat and the show is already starting by the time she sits.

She watches as her brother performs a choreographed song and dance including a impassioned speech about war bonds.

When he said he was going off to join the army, this is definitely not what she had in mind. Though a huge part of her is relieved. He is here in the states performing an incredibly cheesy stage show instead of in Europe being shot by Nazis.

When the show ends, the announcer says that there will be a photo opportunity with Captain America.

She knows that this will be her chance to see Steve because she doesn't know how to get to him any other way.

The line is very long and it seems like hours until she is to the front.

When she finally sees Steve, she sees how exhausted he looks. With each photo, he has become more and more robotic. He is simply going through the motions and not even noticing who is next to him.

When Lizzie is to the front of the line she goes and stands next to Steve.

He places a hand on her shoulder as they face the camera and he paints on a fake smile.

"That was quite the growth spurt, Stevie," Lizzie says.

The smile drops off his face and he turns to see his sister standing there.

"Lizzie?" Steve asks incredulously.

"Hey, Steve," she says sheepishly.

He grabs her hand and begins pulling her through the crowd to behind the stage.

"Nice to see you too Steve," Lizzie grumbles as he directs her.

She doesn't think he realizes it yet but he is now a lot taller than her so she almost has to run to keep up with him now.

He finally stops when they reach what looks to be an empty changing room and they turn to stare at each other.

He is still in full Captain America attire and it is bothering Lizzie because this persona is not her Steve.

"Can you take that thing off your head?" Lizzie asks.

He removes the cowl from his head, revealing his blonde hair. His face has filled out a bit and his jaw was sharper but he was definitely still her Steve.

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