I Just Want You

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New Year's Eve soon followed and the trio were celebrating with the Barnes' once again.

Bucky was watching Lizzie play with Charles. She was running after him around the yard and when she'd catch him she'd pick him up and tickle him. He could hear both of their musical laughter from across the yard.

He is so engrossed with the sight that he doesn't notice Rebecca walk up next to him.

"Baby fever?" Rebecca asks.

Bucky glances over to Rebecca then back to Lizzie.

"I dont know, maybe? I mean we aren't even married yet but seeing her with Charlie makes me want a kid with her right now. Is that crazy?" Bucky asks.

"Of course not, you love her and having a baby with the person you love is unlike anything you will ever experience," Rebecca says.

"She's going to be the best mom," Bucky says.

"She's really an incredible woman, we're all lucky you brought her into our family. Her and Steve," Rebecca says.

They fall into silence for a moment, both still taking in the sight of Lizzie and Charlie.

"Becca, if I don't make it back, can you promise you'll look after her? Make sure she's eating and sleeping?" Bucky asks.

He can tell that this change of topic is not something Rebecca wants to deal with. She has a hard time dealing with sad things.

"You're gonna come back because you're my one shot at being an Auntie," Rebecca says jokingly.

"Rebecca, please?" Bucky asks seriously.

She looks at her big brother sadly. She doesn't want to lose him but sometimes the universe has different plans.

"Of course I'll look after her, you don't even have to ask. She's family," Rebecca replies.

Lizzie comes over with Charlie in her arms. He is fast asleep with his face nestled into the crook of her neck.

"I think I tired him out," Lizzie whispers.

"I'll take him up to bed," Rebecca says.

Bucky helps transfer Charlie from Lizzie to Rebecca.

When Rebecca walks away, Bucky pulls Lizzie into his arms.

"I really liked the look of you with a baby in your arms," Bucky whispers in her ear.

"Oh yeah?" She says with a laugh.

"Yeah, I'd like it even more if it was our baby," he says.

"How about you wait until a year after we're married and then we'll talk," she says.

"You also said I had to wait a year before I proposed and you said yes in six months. It seems like your timelines are a little flexible," he says teasingly.

She laughs but then her face falls.

"What's wrong?" Bucky asks in concern.

"Is it bad I kinda want to be pregnant now?" Lizzie asks.

"What? Really?" Bucky asks.

Lizzie sighs deeply before continuing.

"No, not really. I want to raise our kids with you and you can't very well do that from Europe but a small part of me wants a piece of you to hold onto when you're gone," Lizzie explains.

He leans forward and places a long kiss on her forehead.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could give you any and everything you want in the world but I can't," Bucky says.

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