Be Weak With Me

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Soon enough, it was Bucky's last day before he left for training.

When Bucky and Lizzie woke up in the morning, they stayed in bed for a couple hours memorizing each other's bodies.

Eventually, they finally decide to get up and start the inevitable day.

As soon as Lizzie finishes getting dressed. Bucky grabs her hand. She looks up at him in question.

"I don't want to let go of you until I get on that bus," he explains.

She looks up at him sadly and he can see a tear already forming in the corner of her eye.

He leans over and kisses the tear away.

"None of that today. We are going to enjoy our last day together. We can cry tomorrow but today, we are going to live," Bucky says.

This is why Bucky is perfect for her. He knows exactly how to make everything better. He knows when to push her and when to pull her back.

She leans up on her toes and kisses him softly.

"What was that for?" Bucky asks.

"I just love you. So much," she says.

He smiles at her and kisses her again.

"Let's go," he says.

The pair decide to start the day at the beach.

When they arrive, the beach is bizarrely empty. They have never been to the beach when it was this deserted before but they like it. It's like it's their own private piece of the world.

When Lizzie takes off her cover-up, Bucky wolf-whistles at her.

She glares at him and lightly flicks some sand at him with her toes.

"That was rude," Bucky says in mock hurt.

He leans down and throws Lizzie over his shoulder. She laughs until she realizes he is walking towards the water.

"Bucky, please don't. The water will be freezing," she begs.

It was still March so the weather was only just starting to warm up again. Also, Lizzie never handled the cold all too well.

"I'll keep you warm," Bucky says.

She soon realizes that he is really planning to throw her in and she starts fighting to get out of his arms.

"James, I swear," she says.

He begins laughing at her struggles.

"Wow, you're going to first name me? Scary," he says in mock horror.

Lizzie starts to respond but is cut off mid sentence by Bucky chucking her in the water.

She emerges with her hair all in her face and coughing up water. She slaps at the water to splash him.

"You are the worst, Bucky Barnes!" She growls.

He laughs at her but notices she is shivering a lot. It isn't until he steps into the water more that he realizes just how cold it is.

"Oh my gosh Ellie! I didn't realize it was this cold," he says.

"I told you, you idiot," Lizzie growls.

He scoops her up from the water and brings her back over to their stuff.

He wraps a towel around her and then shoves her sweater over her head and then puts his jacket on her as well.

Luckily, they expected it to be a little on the colder side so they brought warmer clothes and an extra blanket just in case.

He sits them down and covers them both with the second blanket.

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