A Woman Who Can Put Me In My Place

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It had been a full month since Bucky's first date with Lizzie and things were going great. Every spare moment either of them had was spent together.

Bucky had just finished a particular grueling shift at work and all he wanted was to see Ellie's beautiful face.

He walks into the Rogers' house and is immediately rushed by Steve.

"Please tell me Lizzie is with you," Steve says.

Bucky immediately begins panicking at Steve's urgency.

"No, I was hoping she'd be here. Could she have picked up a shift at the hospital?" Bucky asks.

"I called the hospital and they said she hasn't worked there for a couple months," Steve says.

"What?!" Bucky yells.

If it was any other girl, he'd think she was cheating on him but it wasn't another girl, it was his Ellie. Still, it hurt that she would hide something from him after everything they've been through.

He has to swallow his hurt for a second to focus on where she could be though.

"I don't know where else she could be. Where has she been all the nights where we thought she was at the hospital?" Steve asks.

Bucky doesn't know what to think about all of this. He has no idea what she is up to.

"Is she safe?" He asks Steve.

Bucky knows if something was seriously wrong, Steve would know. If something was seriously wrong, Bucky would tear apart every part of New York to find her.

"She's safe. Wherever she is, it's by choice," Steve says.

Bucky is way past doubting the twins ability to sense each other.

"Then all we can do is wait for her to come home and ask her what's going on. Also, I know this sounds crazy coming from me but we need to stay calm when we question her," Bucky says.

"Why?" Steve asks curiously.

"She's obviously scared of what we'll think of whatever it is she's up to. If we gang up on her, she's going to just get defensive and we'll get nowhere," Bucky explains.

"My sister has changed you," Steve says.

Bucky and Steve wait for her for hours.

When Lizzie gets home, she is surprised to see the lights are still on.

She walks into the living room to find Bucky and Steve sitting on the couch.

Despite what Bucky warned him about, Steve can't help but react.

"Where have you been?!" Steve yells.

Lizzie can tell by his tone that he probably knows she wasn't at the hospital but she decides to play dumb just in case.

"I picked up a shift at the hospital,"'Lizzie says evasively.

She knows she sounds incredibly guilty. She can never lie very well when she is asked a direct question.

"So why did they say you quit months ago when I called the hospital!" Steve yells.

Bucky can see Lizzie shutting them out as Steve yells.

"Steve stop. Ellie, baby, can you please sit and talk to us about what's going on?" Bucky asks softly.

Lizzie wants to spill her secret at Bucky's earnest tone but she knows they won't approve and she can't stop.

"I can't tell you yet but it's safe, I promise. Can't that be enough for now?" Lizzie begs.

"No, absolutely not!" Steve yells.

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