My Place Is By Her Side

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Bucky stayed holding Lizzie's hand for hours until her contractions got close enough to call the doctor.

Lizzie decided early on that she wanted to have the babies at home. She knew that she wanted Steve with her and she knew he wouldn't be allowed at a hospital. Howard was kind enough to help her find a really good doctor to help her deliver them at home.

She had originally wanted both Steve and Peggy in the room with her but they said that now that Bucky is back, it should just be him in the room with her.

She has been in labor for almost 20 hours now and she was getting really tired. She honestly didn't know how she was going to have the energy to actually give birth to them.

She gets through a particularly hard contraction and collapses back to the bed.

"I'm so tired, Jaime," she says weekly.

He feels so guilty because he almost left her to do this alone. She would have had Steve to help her through but having a brother there is different then having a husband there.

"I know, El. Just a little longer and they'll be here. You are doing so good but you just need to go a little longer," Bucky says.

"I don't know if I can do it," she says.

She can feel her body shutting down and she has almost no energy.

Her voice is so weak at the moment that he's terrified that she isn't going to make it. He's terrified that he might lose her or the babies. He can't let the fear take over though because she needs him.

"Of course you can, you're so strong. I'm going to help you get through this and soon we will have our babies in our arms," Bucky says.

She will try her hardest to get through this but she knows that there is a chance that he will be forced to make a choice if she can't.

"If you have to choose better me or the babies, I need you to save the babies," Lizzie tells him.

He didn't want to think about it. He won't lose her, he can't. It would be so hard for him to lose the babies but it would literally destroy him if he lost her.

"We aren't having this discussion," he says.

"Jaime..." she starts.

"No," he says sternly.

"Please Jaime," she begs.

He would usually give into whatever she wanted, but not this. He doesn't even want to think about it. She will be fine and the babies will be fine, there was no other option.

"No, you're going to make it through this so we can meet our sons together," Bucky says.

Lizzie was going to continue to plead with him but is distracted by his declaration.

"Sons? How do you know we are going to have sons?" Lizzie asks.

He never told Lizzie about who she married in her original timeline or about her kids. It didn't seem prevalent now that it would never happen. He just has a feeling that Lizzie Rogers would have twin sons in any timeline. These boys belonged with her.

"Just a feeling, but now you have to fight to prove me right," Bucky says.

And in that moment, she hopes she's right. She hasn't really given much thought to the gender of the babies. She was more concerned about being a mom and not so much who she would be a mother to, but she wants these boys that Jaime is imagining.

She wants these boys who can grow up to be amazing men just like their daddy and uncle Steve.

"I want to name them James and Steven after my two favorite men in the world," Lizzie says.

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