On One Condition

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Each person takes a turn driving so they don't have to stop much. The only time they stop is for food, bathroom breaks, and whenever Lizzie wants to stop and look at something.

Bucky has loved seeing her childlike wonderment. She had them stop in Missouri so she could see the Mississippi River. When they crossed through Kansas she wanted to stop because it reminded her of The Wizard of Oz. Every time they were approaching a city, she wanted to take the long way around. She said if she wanted to see a city, she would've stayed in New York.

She's so smart and knowledgeable that sometimes he forgets that she's missed out on a lot of life experiences. She's well traveled only through her books.

"We're five miles out, doll," Bucky tells Lizzie.

She's nearly bouncing in her seat of excitement. She has been spitting out Grand Canyon facts for the last hour.

Bucky has to admit that he wasn't all that excited when they first proposed the trip but seeing her so happy has made it all worth it. If it was up to him, he'd never leave Brooklyn again. He's had more of enough adventure in his life but he'd travel the world with her if it made her happy.

Steve was the only one out of all of them who has seen The Grand Canyon. Peggy wasn't from America and never got the opportunity. Hydra never gave any sight seeing tours during his stint as The Winter Soldier so Bucky hasn't seen it either.

They finally pull up and as soon as Steve has the car in park, Lizzie is out the door. The other three follow her into the sweltering heat.

Bucky is jealous in that moment of their short sleeves. He has to wear a long sleeve shirt and gloves to hide his arm and he is already sweating. He's glad that he cut his hair and shaved his beard or it would've been worse.

He looks for Lizzie and sees her standing near the ravine. He panics for a second because she is standing too close to the edge for his taste.

"Can you believe that something like this exists!"she says as he approaches.

He walks up to her and subtly pulls her back a step so she isn't so close to the edge.

"It's amazing, doll," he says.

And it was amazing. Bucky has seen a lot of bad and ugly things in the world and he appreciated that there were still beautiful things like this to balance it out.

Lizzie and Bucky rejoin Steve and Peggy so they can eat lunch.

They pull a blanket out of the car and set it on the ground. They sit together and enjoy the park and each other's company.

"Are you boys planning on starting any hobbies while Lizzie and I work for a living?" Peggy asks.

All of them know that Steve and Bucky can't get jobs. There was too much of a risk of them getting noticed. Captain America and Sergeant Barnes are dead and they need to stay that way.

"Maybe I should take up cooking," Bucky says.

"I very much like my house standing and I don't want you to burn it down," Lizzie says.

"I'm not that bad, I wouldn't burn the house down," Bucky scoffs.

"Honey, I love you with all that I am but I swear I've seen you burn water," she says.

Steve and Peggy burst out laughing and Bucky grumbles.

"Not all of us can be good at everything," Bucky says.

"I'm not good at everything," Lizzie insists.

"I wasn't talking about you doll, I was talking about Steve," Bucky jokes.

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