Tell Ellie That I Love Her

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Steve had just managed to convince the other men to join him as he takes down hydra. He expected a big fight but they all seemed almost eager to join. Steve knew he was going to like working with them.

Steve buys them all more beer then goes off to find Bucky. He finds him sitting by himself at the other side of the bar.

"See? I told you, they're all idiots," Bucky says.

Bucky didn't know the other guys well but he knew Dugan. Sometimes he didn't know if he was brave or stupid but he was a good man.

"How about you? You ready to follow Captain America into the jaws of death?" Steve asks.

Steve really didn't want to involve Bucky but he doesn't know if he can do this without him. Steve knows he will do whatever he can to keep Bucky safe on the missions which is the least he could do for Lizzie.

"Hell no. That little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb not to run away from a fight, I'm following him," Bucky answers.

He knows that he would follow Steve anywhere. He was his best friend and he will always have his back. He knows the risks but he will never abandon him.

"But you're keeping the outfit, right?" Bucky asks.

"You know what? It's kind of growing on me," Steve says.

The singing in the bar stops and everyone looks over to see Peggy Carter enter.

She was absolutely beautiful and Steve wishes she felt towards him what he felt towards her.

Bucky looks between the two of them and sits back down at the bar with a smirk. He definitely wants to watch this play out.

"Captain," Peggy says.

"Agent Carter," Steve responds.

Bucky has never seen Steve have a crush on a dame. She must really be something special to get Steve invested.

Objectively, he knew Peggy was beautiful but he didn't really see woman anymore.

Peggy looks over at Bucky and he inclines his head towards her respectfully.

"Ma'am," he says.

She nods back but she seems about as interested in him as Bucky is with her.

She only has eyes for Steve and he couldn't be happier for his pal.

"Howard has some equipment for you to try, tomorrow morning?," Peggy says.

"Sounds good," Steve responds.

He was always hoping that Steve would find a girl who saw him for who he was despite his appearance. Now he has to worry about girls only being interested in him because of his appearance but for some reason he didn't think Carter was like that.

The way she looks at Steve is more than just attraction and he is looking at her in the same way. The mutual admiration was palpable.

Peggy looks over and sees Steve's recruits rowdily drinking and singing.

"I see your top squad is prepping for duty," Peggy says.

"You don't like music?" Bucky asks.

Peggy doesn't even look at Bucky as she answers which just confirms Bucky's theory even more.

"I do, actually. I might even, when this is all over, go dancing," Peggy says.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Bucky asks curiously.

"The right partner," Peggy says.

He understands that better than anyone. He dated endless girls before Lizzie but he regrets doing so. He wished he would have waited for her because she was his perfect match.

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