She's a Fighter

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Steve can't help but think how small Lizzie looks in the hospital bed. She is unconscious, hooked up with all kinds of tubes and wires.

Steve starts hyperventilating and Bucky rubs his back to try to sooth him.

"Breathe, she's fine," Bucky says.

Steve gestures towards her.

"That is not fine," Steve says.

"Poor choice of words. She's going to be okay," Bucky reassures.

Sarah walks over to Steve and hugs him. He grips onto her tightly.

"Is she going to be okay?" Steve asks her.

Sarah hesitates before nodding her head.

Steve isn't convinced.

"Tell it to me straight ma," Steve asks.

"She will live, but the doctors don't know when she'll wake up," Sarah says.

"But she will wake up?" Bucky asks.

"They don't know for sure. It could be today or tomorrow or never. Doctors still don't understand head injuries very well and her's is pretty severe," Sarah explains.

Steve feels broken with the statement. How would life be without her? To have her here but gone at the same time. She's his best friend but they also share a bond that no one has ever been able to understand. He thinks that it's almost supernatural how connected they are. He would do anything for her but this, he was powerless to stop.

"Is there anything we can do?" Steve asks desperately.

If there's anything that can be done, he'll do it without question.

"The doctors said it might help if we talk to her," Sarah says.

Steve doesn't take any more prompting. He sits beside her bed and holds her hand.

"Hey, Lizzie. You gave us quite the scare. I'm going to need you to wake up soon, okay?," Steve says.

Bucky walks up to Sarah as he watches Steve talk to his twin.

"What do they think happened with her? And don't try to down play it like I know you'll do with Steve. I found her so I know how bad it was," Bucky whispers.

Sarah looks briefly as Bucky sadly. He shouldn't have had to see her like that. They had already cleaned her up a bit before she got there and she looked horrible. She can only imagine how bad it was when Bucky found her.

"They know she must have been attacked. It seems to have only been one attacker. She has a fractured knuckle and the skin is split on her right hand. They think she tried to fight off her attacker," Sarah says.

Bucky smiles. Like brother like sister.

"She had some bruises on her neck so they think her attacker grabbed her neck and slam her head into the wall. The back of her head cracked open and she fractured her skull. She had a brain hemorrhage and with the blood she lost it is truly a miracle that she survived," Sarah says.

"She's a fighter," Bucky says.

"She sure is," Sarah responds.

They continue to watch Steve talk to a comatose Lizzie.

"I didn't tell you last night, but thank you for finding her. She wasn't your responsibility but you found her and saved her anyways," Sarah says.

"It is my responsibility. Steve is my best friend and he's never be the same if she didn't survive. I still don't completely understand their bond but it's something that I haven't seen before, maybe no one has seen before," he says.

"They are special," Sarah admits.

They stand in silence for a little longer. Bucky looks at the time and sees it's almost noon already.

"I should go so you can have some time as a family," Bucky says.

"You are family, Bucky," Sarah responds.

Bucky smiles at her statement.

"Thanks Sarah, but still; my parents probably want me home pretty soon," Bucky says.

She gives Bucky a hug.

"Tell your folks I saw hi," Sarah says.

"I will. Can you keep me updated on her? I'm sure I'll be by often because I assume Steve won't be going back to school for awhile and he'll need someone to bring him his schoolwork," Bucky says.

She looks at her children and sees Steve is still completely focused on his sister.

"I think I'd have to drag him to school by his hair to get him there," she admits.

"I'll bring his schoolwork here tomorrow. Do you need me to talk to her teachers to explain what happened too?," Bucky offers.

"No, no you've done enough. I'll call the school tomorrow. Thank you again Bucky," Sarah says.

"You're welcome," he says.

He goes to leave and looks back to see Sarah take Ellie's hand on the other side.

He doesn't know how he's going to be able to make it through school tomorrow after the last two days.

He was elated knowing that she would be okay. Now all he needed was for her to wake up. They were just beginning their friendship and he wanted more time to get to know her.

Except he had a feeling that there would never be enough time for him to know Elizabeth Rogers.

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