Leave to Relax

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Crossing her arms, (f/n) leaned back against the table across from Anita. "Should we stay the next few nights at the local hotel here?" she asked as she still imagined something bursting out of the wall and charging up the steps. "I don't think that was an animal. No small animal in the wall can create pounding that loud, right?"

"As far as I know unless we have some really large rats, but that's a stone wall. Nothing should be able to crawl in it." A shiver traveled up her spine. "Whatever it is, I don't like it. But if it hasn't broken down the wall yet, I think that we're fine, and we haven't heard anything else. Just ..." She looked hesitant before she inhaled and exhaled slowly. "Neither of us should go down there alone. I'll wait at the top of the stairs and hold the door open."

At that, (f/n) couldn't help but chuckle and smirk before she quirked a brow. "Thanks, that's really kind of you." Sarcasm dripped from her voice, and Anita pouted.

"It's more than before. Besides," she crossed her arms and turned up her nose, "we're probably worrying about it too much." (F/n) seriously hoped that was the case. If only the contractor could come sooner. Anita hopped up from the chair and caused her friend to break out of her thoughts. "Anyway, I think that this gives us even more of an excuse to go to the bar."

Rolling her eyes and smiling, (f/n) pushed herself off of the table. "Right. I'll go get changed." She went to head up, but she felt tugging on her right hand. (F/n) looked back and laughed a little. "So, you're coming with me?"

"I'm not staying down here on my own near that door." She wore a firm expression. "And, we're sleeping in the same room tonight and the following nights until we get this thing figured out."

"What happened to we're thinking too much?" (F/n) rose her brow again.

Anita hit her on the upper arm. "Just move already. Come on." Anita proceeded to push her friend forward. "We're never going to drink if you keep stalling like this."

"I'm not stalling. You're the one who pulled me back," she argued playfully, only to get shoved forward more. "Okay, okay." (F/n) held up her hands in surrender. "I'm going." Anita finally stopped pushing her, and she headed up the stairs, glad to be further away from the storage space. Personally, she was happy that Anita suggested them sharing a room for the meantime. It did help to relieve some of the worry that she felt.

Reaching her room, (f/n) headed over to her walk-in closet while Anita seated herself on the plush maroon comforter. (F/n) slipped out of her clothes and hung them up on a hanger as she planned to wash them after service tomorrow. She looked over her clothes and picked up a pair of light denim jeans, silver flip-flops and a plum purple blouse with a zipper down the front. In her ears, she had simple silver hoops. "Well, looks fine?"

Hopping up from the bed, Anita walked over and hummed in thought. "Well if you're going to wear a zipper shirt, you might as well be a bit playful with it." (F/n) rolled her eyes but didn't stop her friend either when she pulled down the zipper enough to hint at cleavage but not showing any. "Now, you're good. Just fix your hair. You have strands popping out here and there."

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