Phone to Destroy

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Had her adrenaline gone down? No, it hadn't. Her breathing wasn't steady, and she had pushed herself up onto her knees and scooted back from him. (E/c) optics watched him closely as he steadily picked himself up. His eyes didn't move over to her. Rather, they went to the phone in the toilet. Even he knew that electronics and water didn't mix. The phone was in the bottom. No doubt it was completely ruined.

Smart on her part in terms of how to destroy the phone before he got it. Was it smart, though, to ruin it? Well, it certainly made him curious as to what had been on her phone. She really might have gotten rid of it since she didn't trust him, and he supposed that was fair given the situation, but he wondered if she was hiding any dire secrets on it. Perhaps, (f/n) was no better than her friend and had betrayed Anita in the past. That certainly would change things.

When he turned to her, he watched her jump after they shared a momentary stare of silence. He could hear her heart pounding in her chest. She rose to her feet and bolted out of the door. Quickly, he got back up on his feet. (F/n) was racing for the bedroom door. It wasn't hard to catch up to her. Lee pulled her back by her pajama shirt. A scream left her lips. The tug was harsh, and her legs almost collapsed on themselves.

Easily, he dragged her to the side of her bed by the desk. She continued to struggle. "I'm sorry! I know that it had been stupid!" Her words could be truthful, but they also simply could be the product of fear. Some of his victims in the past had tried lying to him even as he was moments away from killing them. If anything, their failed attempts for begging for their lives only made him wish to kill them more.

Tossing her onto the bed, she bounced a little before she scooted herself away from him. His eyes stayed on her, and his right index finger pointed down to indicate for her to remain sitting. She froze and watched him carefully. (F/n), though, didn't really know if she had meant those words. Yet, part of her knew that she had let fear take hold of her and cause to think of an idiotic plan. So yes, she had meant them to some degree. Was she sorry, though? Well, that depended on what he intended to do in response to her action.

Gradually, her heartbeat calmed down, but she remained on edge. Her fingers curled into the maroon comforter. Lee walked over to her desk. A note soon found its way to her. Hesitantly and shakily, she picked it up. What are you hiding from me? I want the truth. Are you going to betray Anita as well? Is your family involved, and that's the true reason you don't want me to find out about them?

Reading over the note and given his recent actions, she had no doubt in her mind that someone in the past royally had screwed him over. That had to be why he was so invested in Anita's supposed future betrayal. She figured, though, that he wouldn't tell her about that, and asking him right now probably would piss him off further. If she could see his expression, she imagined that he wouldn't be looking joyful.

His suspicion about her betraying Anita, however, was completely wrong. "No." Her eyes locked with his. There was fear in her optics, but it wasn't like before. No, Lee could tell that she meant her words this time around. "I never would. Like I've told you, we're best friends. And, I still don't believe what you've been telling me." Her fingers tightened around the bed coverings more, and she hoped that he wouldn't attack her even though she was telling him the truth. "As for my family, I really don't want you knowing who they are. I don't want you going after them."

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