Close to Call

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


Mentioning that he could be done with the computer, he chuckled. Well, he could, and he had gone through all of her history. Plus, she wouldn't tell him the usernames and passwords to get into the other locations. He always could threaten her again and see how much she really meant her other words, but he'd rather not take to torturing her at the moment. Not to mention that if he accidentally killed her, he'd be stuck with just Anita in the building when the other staff and customers weren't around. Even worse, Kaleb might move in. Then, he might just have to deal with two a**holes until someone new came along. Yeah, he definitely wanted to avoid that.

Deciding to be nice, he turned off the device and closed it. He faced her and rested his chin on the knuckles of his right hand as if saying, "Happy now?" A non-amused expression crossed her countenance before she rolled her eyes and cautiously went towards him. (F/n) unplugged the device and wrapped up the cord. She proceeded to grab the laptop, but she watched him out of the corners of her eyes too. Lee continued to maintain the present position he was in.

It wasn't until she exited the dining room that she heard a chair slide back. She paused in her steps and glanced over to him, and she was half-tempted to bolt up the stairs when he started walking towards her. Instead of bolting, though, she inched closer towards the first step. He, however, walked around her and went up the steps first. At that, her eyes widened, and she hurried up after him, especially when she saw him make a phone sign with his hand.

"You're not going through my phone either!" she called up after him. He continued to walk. "You can't even use it without my help!" Lee, though, didn't listen and managed to make it to her room before her. By the time she entered, he already had her phone and was sitting at the desk. A glare set on her face, and she clutched her laptop and charger to her chest out of frustration.

A note found its way over to her. Hesitantly, she put her laptop away along with her charger and managed to keep an eye on the mannequin even from within her closet since she only partially was standing in it. Once that was away, she closed the door and glanced to note. I know that I can't. I want you to help me. I won't look at your family information. That's blocked from my view, and we already had that discussion. I want to see what else you have on here.

Lee didn't know about the contacts section on her phone, but that would have her family's information on it too. It even had some of Anita's in case her parents ever needed to call her because they couldn't reach Anita themselves. Even if he didn't know about that section, he'd probably be able to find it, especially since it came up on the home screen.

"No." She didn't want to tell him, but he'd keep pressing her if she didn't. And, she didn't want to risk finding herself in a worse position than she already was. "That has my family's information on it too." Of course, she could delete all of her contacts, but she wanted to see if he'd stop wanting to go through her phone. He didn't know that she could do that.

I won't look at it. I won't have access to it either unless I actually will. He most certainly was smirking. She just knew it. I suppose that since this is a phone you reasonably would know the phone numbers of your family members. I'd learn their names too. Perhaps where they lived as well given how advanced these modern tools are. A frown continued to grow on her lips.

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