Celebrate to End

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


All of it was a success. At least, it seemed to be. None of the parents or kids seemed upset about anything. The parents of the birthday girl added their own touches to the room and asked Hal and her to move a few things around the room, but that was about it. There were no complaints about the food, but some of the kids didn't finish their entire plates either. (F/n) didn't know whether that was because they were full, they secretly didn't like it but were polite and didn't say anything or they were saving room for all of the dessert. Hopefully, it was the first or third option.

When Hal and she had cleared away the dinner plates to make way for the desserts and cake, she had noticed Anita's annoyed glance at seeing unfinished plates and hearing that the kids didn't want to take the leftovers home in takeout boxes. (F/n) imagined that Anita probably would have a glass of whiskey later on. She couldn't stay in the kitchen for long to comfort her friend, so (f/n) shot a glance over to Scarlett, who nodded in response to the signal to reassure Anita.

Unlike the issue with the dinner, all of the leftover desserts and cake, which weren't much, were taken home in takeout boxes. Hal helped her clean up the plates and the floor, and he aided her in bringing up the tables and moving all of the tables back into place. She let him head out afterwards so that he could get home and tend to whatever he needed to before the next day, especially since it was supposed to rain that evening. Besides, she already was home, and the decorations wouldn't take too long to remove.

After he left, (f/n) noticed that Scarlett headed out soon after. Before she left, she gave a small smile to (f/n). "I tried, but she's still a little miffed about it. The kitchen is cleaned up, though." She rolled her shoulders and glanced back to the kitchen. "She said that I could go and not to worry about her." Scarlett glanced back to (f/n). "She probably just needs some time to cool off."

(F/n) gave her an appreciative smile. "Thanks. It's the first time this has happened so far, and it's our first event, so it most likely just shocked her a bit." Scarlett sighed and nodded in understanding. "But, don't think about it too much yourself. Just get some rest, and keeping doing your best tomorrow." Shrugging, (f/n) added, "Those kids might've just been too focused on all of the sweets to think about taking anything else home. Besides, the birthday girl and the parents enjoyed everything, which was the most important thing for tonight."

"Yeah." Scarlett gave an appreciative smile. "Thank you, (f/n). I'll see you tomorrow." (F/n) nodded and opened the door for her. Briefly before she closed and locked the door, she noticed that it was sprinkling outside, but Scarlett got into her car before she got too wet. Focusing back on Anita, (f/n) decided to finish cleaning up after she checked on her friend. When she went to the kitchen, (f/n) peeked inside. Far in the back was the mannequin in the same position with the chef's outfit on.

Forcing herself to ignore its neutral expression and reminding herself that it wasn't alive, she concentrated on Anita. Anita was leaning up against one of the counters and was holding a small glass of whiskey in her right hand. She took a sip of it and didn't glance over to (f/n). Instead, she stared at an empty counter with an irritated expression. "I hope that we don't get negative reviews from this, or we're never going to have another event."

"Anita, I think that you're taking this out of proportion." (F/n) walked into the room further and let the door close behind her. "They were a few kids and probably were too focused on the amazing desserts Scarlett and you made. Not to mention that the cake look spectacular. You both outdid yourselves, and no other food came back unfinished. None of the parents complained, and the birthday girl seemed incredibly happy."

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