Trap to Guide

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Knees remained pressed to her chest, and her head rested on her knees. She had her eyes closed, and she couldn't fall asleep; she couldn't even change into some pajamas. Frankly, she was too freaked out to do much of anything but let her mind wander. Every time she had seen the mannequin, she went over, and she now knew that the mannequin really had been moving about all of those times. It simply had used Anita's disbelief against her, so why should she trust a note it wrote? Why should she trust anything that it had written?

Her mind proceeded to remind her of a few more instances with the mannequin, and her expression of horror only became more so. She had cleaned the mannequin and changed it. Not only that but that incident with the bath had been real too. That hadn't been her skin itching. Its hands had been on her. (F/n) clutched her towel closer to her. Just what else had it done and seen while she had been unaware or asleep for that matter?

When she opened her eyes again, she saw another note. It was by her feet. Hesitantly, she reached over and grabbed it. Also, don't use that rectangular device. I know that it's in there with you. Was it referring to her laptop? She didn't know of another rectangular device in her closet, but why didn't it call it a laptop? Did it not know what it was? And if so, what did that mean? Just how long had that mannequin been sealed away in that room down there?

Such questions allowed her mind to drift away from more negative thoughts. It helped her to focus on a solution to her problem rather than the terrifying circumstance at hand. Slowly, she got up to her feet and wiped away any remaining tears. She changed into some new undergarments, and her grey pajama pants and top. Perhaps what she was about to do was foolish, but if she knew more about what she was dealing with, she could use that against it.

Taking in a deep breath and exhaling, she unlocked her closet door. Swiftly, she threw it open and readied a fist in case it tried something. Her fist against hard plastic and metal probably wouldn't end well for her, but it might at least knock the thing over. However, the mannequin wasn't there. Had it left while she had been lost in questions about the note?

Steadily, she lowered her arm and stepped out. Her room door was open. That was when she saw its form out of the corners of her eyes. Immediately, she faced her desk. It was sitting there. Its hands were folded in front of it, and she imagined that its legs were crossed. The thing stared directly at her, never moving its head, as though it had expected her to leave the closet soon.

Motioning with its right hand, it indicated for her to sit. She didn't. "Can you talk?" Maybe, she shouldn't be talking to a possessed mannequin or encouraging it to engage further with her. In fact, she probably should race out of the house or destroy it, but she didn't know if she could achieve either. It ran fast, and she had feeling that it wouldn't just let itself be taken apart.

Head shaking, the mannequin motioned for her to sit again. "Why should ..." Her words paused as she watched it pick up her letter opener. The sides were dull, but it did have a sharp point. It began to play with the opener, and its plastic fingers clicked against the metal every now and then. "... Fine."

She climbed onto her bed but sat as far away from it as she could. Her legs were crossed, but she also was prepared to bolt in an instant if she had to. It eventually set the letter opener down and looked to her expectantly. Its lifeless eyes were terrifying when they simply stared at her since she now knew that something was controlling the object, and she wanted to know what. "Who are you? What are you?"

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