Unveiled to Think

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


His fingers glided across her skin until they were no longer there. Anita hung her head and stared to her feet. A frown remained on her lips. "So, what happens to her?" Slowly, she looked up, and her light brown optics met his dark ones. "I can't just kick my friend out and leave her to find a job all on her own."

Kaleb rested his hands on her shoulders and smiled reassuringly. "You won't. I'm not expecting you to do such a thing to her."

"Then, you already have a plan to compensate her?" she asked, still feeling bad for even thinking about taking away her friend's dream, but she also knew that an investment from Kaleb's parents, from their company, would be huge for the café. It could expand the business and give it sells (f/n) and she only could dream of. But, (f/n) wouldn't be included. Kaleb would be, and things were great with him. He had kept to his word of treating her with respect and love. If she declined on the offer, her relationship might permanently end, and she really was falling for Kaleb.

Seeing the conflict in her eyes was obvious, and he gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze. "I do. I talked to my parents, and although they're not willing to let her manage the business, they'd be willing to give her a job as a financial assistant with the company." He continued to wear his reassuring smile. "She'll earn a good salary and will be able to take care of herself."

"... I ... I still can think on this, right?" Her eyes searched his, and she saw further reassurance there even though he had answered that question earlier. Kaleb nodded before he pulled away. "Okay, ... I'll do that." Anita finished her drink as did Kaleb. "Should we head out, then?"

"Yeah, I'll wait by the front door if you want to let (f/n) know we're leaving."

Nodding, Anita left the kitchen first, followed by Kaleb. A few minutes later, the front door opened, closed and locked. Creaking occurred next, and it stopped at the front door. Eyes looked up to the stairs. He couldn't hear anything coming from (f/n)'s room, but he could see that her room light was on. It was possible that she'd come back downstairs, and he'd move if he needed to.

Originally, he was thinking on messing with her that evening, but this news certainly made cogs turn in his head. Her friend was planning on betraying her, or at least thinking about doing so. She was debating on choosing her boyfriend, who she had broken things off with several times before, or her long-time friend, who had been with her through all that heartbreak. A smirk touched his lips. Anita was crueler than she looked.

That smirk didn't last long. It turned into a frown, and he continued to stare up to (f/n)'s room. Admittedly, he felt bad for her. Being betrayed by someone who she trusted entirely. Lightly, he sighed and brought his hand up as if he could comb his fingers through his plastic black locks. He supposed that he could change his plans a bit and mess with her in a different way.

A chuckle left his lips, and he glanced to the front door. Anita wouldn't say a word to (f/n), at least not until she made the decision with Kaleb. Even then, it'd only be if she decided to let Kaleb run the business. Otherwise, he imagined that she'd take such information to the grave with her. Well, he always could change that. Drop off a hint or two here and there. Let some more tension brew until it bubbled over.

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