Explore to Know

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Much to his surprise, she never came back out of her room, not even for dinner or a snack. Then again, maybe, that wasn't shocking. She probably wanted a break from him, especially after their conversation. It was understandable. He had given her fair reason to doubt her friend and even why she was introducing her to some guy. With her up in her room, he did listen for movement and when she would go to bed. Lee had decided to search her laptop to look for anything that might tell him whether or not she could see what he was doing on it. Even if she found out that he was looking at such information, it wouldn't do her much good other than show her that he wanted to hide details from her, which she already knew.

Once he was certain that she was asleep, he went back upstairs as quietly as he could. He supposed that it'd be fine if she was up since he wasn't looking up any sensitive information, but she'd probably be asking him questions the whole time. Not like he had to answer, but he still could hear her. With that in mind, he'd prefer to have it be quiet around him for the time being.

At her door, he picked the lock and pushed. There definitely was something in the way. He pushed more, and it moved. Still, he could get in, and he pushed slowly so that it wouldn't make as much noise. Once it finally was out of the way, he walked into the room and noticed that it was her nightstand. A small smirk formed on his lips. The only downside about this plan was that she'd know he had been in her room since he couldn't exactly place the nightstand back properly and leave the room. Again, though, she wouldn't find out anything important about him from what he was doing.

Retrieving her laptop, he went over to her desk. She moved a bit in her sleep, but she didn't wake. He seated himself at her desk and opened the item before he turned it on. When it got to the password screen, he entered busy60all40. It worked! Lee was quite pleased that she hadn't tried to change it on him after he had asked for it. Otherwise, he'd definitely give her a scare.

With a new screen popping up, he looked over it and saw a bunch of little symbols that said what they were underneath them. Behind the symbols, there was a picture of the café from the outside. There also was a bar at the bottom that had some of the same symbols there. Whenever he hovered the arrow over one of them, they lit up. Well, he'd have to test some of them out to get anywhere. Clicking on one of them, the screen loaded up what looked like a blank piece of paper. A bunch of little symbols and some words were above it too. Was this what people used now to write papers?

Admittedly, he was fascinated and wanted to test out a few things, but that wasn't why he was on the laptop. He tried another symbol. This time, what looked like a spreadsheet loaded up onto the screen. It reminded him of the paper one to some extent, but it still wasn't what he wanted.

When he clicked on another symbol, it loaded up another screen. There was a title and an empty bar underneath it. A little black line blinked on that bar. Did he enter in something there? Looking to the keyboard, he tested it out and saw the letters appear on the bar. Interesting. He kept typing what he wanted and, essentially, asked if someone could see what someone else had searched on their laptop. After he typed it up, he didn't know what to press. Lee tried out some of the buttons, but they didn't help until he pressed the enter button. Then, the screen changed.

Suddenly, there were all these bolded words in blue with smaller black text underneath them. There were even some pictures showing. With the search, and even just from the titles, he found out that it was possible. Good thing he checked. But, how was it possible? Clicking on one of the blue titles that seemed promising, he found out that there was thing on the laptop called history that showed what things someone had clicked on previously. So, where was that located?

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