Drink to Clip

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Thankfully, she didn't have to spend too much time alone with Kaleb or Tristan due to them leaving soon after Kaleb called Anita. Initially, it sounded like a great idea to go to the bar now and not spend another moment in the hotel, but there remained the problem of the café being opened. But, it sounded like Anita was going to take a partial day off. Technically since they opened, neither of them had taken a day off yet, so the rest of their staff had been understanding.

But, that did remind her of a factor that would be hard to swallow once Anita was left behind, which would be in the near future given the recording she now had. Scarlett, Hal, Blaise and Cassidy might be out of a job if Anita shut down the café when both Kaleb and she left. Maybe, she could open a business that would have them working there again, but she didn't know if they'd be willing to move. Regardless of how things went, she'd talk with them and see what they'd like to do. That thought eased her mind for the moment.

"You doing okay?" Tristan questioned, squeezing her hand a little. (F/n) broke out of her thoughts and nodded as a reassuring smile touched her lips. He smiled in return and returned to walking alongside her. Kaleb was on Tristan's other side, and they were talking about how Kaleb's business meetings went. Surprisingly, he did actually have some, and it wasn't just about the call he had with Harper. Or, they were talking about older meetings so that (f/n) wouldn't hear what actually had happened; however, they were too late for that.

They weren't too far from The Iron Clipper, and she could see it in the distance. Anita would meet them there, and she wished that she could ditch the group and just hang out with Scott the entire time while she was there instead. He was a much better conversationalist than any of them were.

Reaching the bar, Kaleb held the door open, but (f/n) paused and let go of Tristan's hand. Both of them looked momentarily puzzled before she explained, "I'm going to wait for Anita out here. You two go inside and grab a table."

"Do you want me to wait out here with you?" Tristan asked, seeming concerned. She doubted that he was. And if he actually was worried, he probably only was because he wanted something from her and didn't want to lose that opportunity. Not that he'd ever get it.

"No, it's okay." She smiled up to him. "Thank you, though." He gave her one more glance before he accepted her decision and went inside.

"She shouldn't be too long," Kaleb reassured, laughing slightly. "You know how she is. She's probably bouncing on her feet as we speak."

Returning a laugh, she nodded. "Wouldn't surprise me." He nodded in agreement before he headed into the building himself. Once both were gone, she leaned against the nearby wooden wall. A sigh parted from her lips. She probably could record some more d*mning conversations between those two, but she'd be seen by others if not by them, and it'd be noisier in the bar than the hotel hallway. She might not even pick up decently what they were saying. What she had already, though, was enough, and she couldn't wait to tell Lee the news. No doubt he'd be as ecstatic as she was. That next date with Tristan wouldn't happen; he'd be gone by then.

Tonight, she'd compile all of the evidence that Lee and she had on Kaleb. Anita wasn't going to get away with her plan. Instead, she was going to face the negative consequences of going forward with it. If only she could skip ahead to the evening. But at least, she wasn't at the hotel alone with Tristan. A shiver traveled up her spine at what he might've tried.

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