New to Schedule

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Morning arrived, and the mannequin remained in its place in the kitchen. There were no signs that it had been in her room last night other than what she had thought she had seen, and she sighed in relief that she just was imagining things from an overworked brain. Anita was in the kitchen when she got downstairs, and she had a cup of black coffee. She looked tired, but she had a smile on her lips and was humming lightly to herself as she continued to work on prep for today's service.

"Good night?" (f/n) asked, stepping into the kitchen and pouring herself a cup of coffee, though; she added flavored hazelnut creamer to hers. She leaned back against one of the counters and took a sip of the warm beverage.

"Mhm," she hummed out. "It was nice just being able to be with him again. We watched a movie, had some snacks and relaxed."

"Great," (f/n) answered; though, her tone suggested that she wasn't exactly happy about it, and she wasn't. But, she agreed to give him another chance, so she didn't tell her friend that she shouldn't have gone with him last night. "I'm just glad that you got here before service started."

"I told you I would." Anita peered back to her before she winked and returned to focusing on the food. "But, I know that you still want to ask about all of this. It's practically radiating off of you."

Sighing, (f/n) took another sip of coffee before she mentioned, "Well, I was trying not to say anything, so this is on you if you don't like what I say." Anita rolled her eyes, shook her head and motioned for her friend to continue. "I just don't trust him. I know I said I'd give him another chance, but that doesn't mean that I'm a-okay with all of this. I just don't want to see my best friend get hurt again."

(F/n) set down her coffee and walked over to the fridge and grabbed some milk while Anita worked on chopping up some vegetables. "I won't. He's not the same guy he was before. I can guarantee that."

"I hope so," (f/n) answered back as she retrieved a box of fruity cereal and a bowl. Once the milk was in the bowl, she put everything else away and grabbed a spoon. She returned to her cup of coffee, and before she took a bite of her breakfast, she asked, "Have you told your parents?"Silence. Anita paused and chuckled nervously. "So, I wasn't the only one out of the loop."

"I'm going to tell them eventually. Just ... not right now," Anita reasoned before she continued her work on the vegetables.

"They're going to find out eventually if you don't tell them, Anita. And, they might take it better if you tell them rather than them hearing it from someone else."

Now, a smirk graced Anita's lips. "Oh, are you giving me advice on how to have my parents accept Kaleb as my boyfriend?" (F/n) paused, and Anita smirked all the more. "And, here I thought that you didn't like him."

"I don't." There was no hesitation in her answer. "But, I'm saying that you're parents might take it even worse than I did. I'm trying to spare you from them, not strengthen your relationship with him."

"Right." Anita's tone was doubtful, and her smirk remained. She happily turned around and continued humming, much to (f/n)'s annoyance, which was evidenced by her shoveling a couple of spoonfuls of cereal into her mouth. Given that the cereal was crunchy, Anita could hear the somewhat aggressive chewing and chuckled quietly at her friend's irritated mood. "But, how was your evening? Did our resident mannequin visit you?"

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