Fixed to Stay

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


In the trash was the old sheet that had been on the mannequin. There was no point in putting it back on the mannequin after dusting the whole thing off. (F/n)'s solution was to grab an apron since she didn't' think having a nude mannequin in the kitchen would be appropriate. When it had the apron on, though, it looked ... worse. Well, not so much worse, just ... not right. Rubbing the bridge of her nose, she muttered a few choice words under her breath. Really, this whole matter was becoming ridiculous, and she wished that her mind would stop teasing her to no end.

Taking the apron off, she walked over to the back of the kitchen and opened one of the cupboards. She should've thought of this first. Soon, she had a chef's shirt and black pants in her hands. There were spare uniforms stored in the cupboard. Hopefully, the sizes would fit the mannequin. (F/n) took one of Scarlett's since she was taller than Anita by about five inches.

Going back to the mannequin, she set the jacket down and picked up the mannequin. It definitely was heavy given all the metal piping going through it, but she managed to lift it onto the counter. With the pants back in hand, she slipped them onto it and slid them up. Thankfully, they fit just above its hips, and the pants reached its mid-calves. "Much better," she muttered to herself before she set the mannequin back on the ground. Next came the jacket, and she had no issue with slipping it on and buttoning it. Just barely, it covered its torso, and the sleeves didn't reach its wrists. No doubt, the outfit looked small on the mannequin, but at least it was decently covered now.

By the time she got the clothes on, she heard footsteps enter the first dining room, and the kitchen door soon opened. Anita now was wearing a grey pullover and black leggings with some fuzzy pink slippers. She leaned against the doorway and grinned a bit. "So, you dressed it. I suppose that is better than a sheet." She pushed herself off of the doorway and examined it closer. "Oh, did you dust it too?" A teasing grin formed on her lips. "Everywhere?"

Groaning, (f/n) rolled her eyes. "Yes. Now, stop being a child." She diverted her eyes from her friend and looked over to where she had gotten the uniform. "I made sure that there's still another spare in there for Scarlett." When she looked back to Anita, she saw that her friend continued to wear that grin of hers. "What?"

"So, did the mannequin come to life?"

"Yes, Anita, it came to life as I was cleaning it," she said, completely not amused. (F/n) leaned back against the counter and raised a brow. "You happy?"

"Very," she stressed and patted the mannequin on its left shoulder. "I imagine that you aren't so terrified of it anymore."

"Right. Well when we get replacement clothes, you're the one changing it," (f/n) commented, walking past her friend and out of the kitchen. Anita followed after her and was practically bouncing on her feet.

"So, you're fine with keeping it, then?" Anita asked, stepping up by (f/n) and wearing a wide grin.

Stopping, (f/n) practically glared, and an eyebrow of hers twitched. "Yeah. If it was alive, it had every opportunity to kill me in there. It didn't. It didn't even move unless I moved it." She sighed lightly. "But, it might only come alive when we're sleeping, so I'm locking my room door at night. I'm probably overreacting, but I'll sleep better. And, hopefully, it'll stay in the kitchen or wherever we place it."

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