Time to Pass

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Several days had gone by; Lee had counted them. He watched the sunrise and sunset, and he knew that a week had passed. Not all of that time he had been outside. After about four days, things finally quieted down at the house. Lee hadn't been able to listen into the conversations that occurred inside, and none of them took place in the backyard.

After police had arrived to the scene, they had checked out back to make sure that no one was hiding. Thankfully, they missed him in the azaleas. The next day, detectives checked the backyard again, but that was it. Again, he remained undiscovered.

When he did go to enter the house, the backdoor was locked. He would've been able to lockpick the door had he the proper tools. So, he proceeded to break the lock. It had been night outside, and there was no one else around. Lee entered in with no problem and closed the door after him.

The building was quiet except for the occasional groan due to age. What bothered him was entering the dining room and seeing the entrance area. Everything was left how it had been. There was warning tape around the various spots, and the blood hadn't been cleaned up. For a moment, he just had stared at the crimson on the floor. That was (f/n)'s. He was worried that the scene he was looking at had become that of a murder.

His fists clenched, and he was frightened for (f/n). Was she dead; was that why she wasn't back yet? If he still had a heart, it'd be beating terribly. He wished to leave the café and chase down Anita and utterly destroy her, but he didn't want to leave either. (F/n) might come back, and he wished to be present to greet her. If she was alive, he couldn't have her come back to an empty building; he told her that he'd be there for her. And if he wasn't stuck in a mannequin's body, he'd go to the hospital to stay by her side.

Eventually, he did leave that area of the building and go upstairs. Her room felt cold and lifeless, which scared him all the more. It seemed ages ago when he had been ignorant of Anita's plans himself and had targeted (f/n) for his own sick amusement. Yes, he regretted that, and he'd be forever grateful that she had given him another chance and that he had allowed himself to agree to her plan. But, he wished that she didn't have to be seriously wounded because of it. He should've watched Anita more closely so that he could warn (f/n) better and prevent her from getting stabbed by that horrendous woman.

Slowly, he left the room after he grabbed a towel and headed into the storage space to clean his clothes, using the washing machine and dryer. With the towel wrapped around his hips, he headed back upstairs and into the bathroom to wipe off any blood from his plastic body. Lee continued to wear the towel until his clothes were dry to wear again.

For the remaining days until the week passed, he watched and waited in case he needed to hide. Luckily, he didn't. No one came, which worried him even more. He would've thought that maybe her parents would stop by if she was alive but recovering in the hospital. That way, they could grab her a change of clothes. Perhaps, though, they were keeping their distance in case Anita came back. Lee did catch sight of a police car outside on the fifth day. Probably checking up on the house. Thankfully, the officer didn't see him.

Now, though, he was sitting on the edge of her bed. It was early in the evening, but, soon, it'd be over a week. His hands pressed into the maroon comforter, and he wished that the color didn't remind him of blood so much, but it was better than seeing (f/n)'s actual blood dried up on the floor.

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