Behind to Discuss

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Friday. Normally, it wouldn't be a dreaded day, but it was today. After service, Kaleb would be coming over. She was tempted to lock herself in her room and just not deal with him, but she had to keep an eye out for Anita, especially since she couldn't when Anita, though worryingly, went over to his hotel room each night. Just knowing that he was coming over made service drag on. It was hard to smile at customers, but she managed. Thankfully, none of the waiting staff noticed, nor did Scarlett. Otherwise, they'd ask what was going on, and she had a feeling that Anita didn't want her to express her feelings about Kaleb.

When service did end, she found herself cleaning the tables, and her cleaning was a bit aggressive. A frown was on her lips, and she definitely looked irritated, almost like she would burn a hole into the table. "Don't you think that's a little much?" Anita asked, finished with the kitchen.

"No." There was no hesitation in her answer.

"You're going to be nice when he comes over, right?" Anita raised a brow and hoped that her friend wouldn't chew him alive this time around.

"... I'll try."

"Or, you can go into your room and pout about it the whole time," Anita offered, taking a seat at the table (f/n) was working on.

"What am I, a child?" she grumbled out, wiping the table down again.

"You're acting like one," Anita pointed out, crossing her arms over her chest.

Sighing roughly, (f/n) stopped cleaning. "I'm worried, and I won't stop being worried until ..."

"Until when?" Anita raised a brow again. "He gets down on his knee and proposes?" (F/n) paused, and Anita quickly added, "Not that he's doing that."

"... Right." (F/n) sighed again. "I don't know, though. I guess until I'm sure that he's no longer the guy he used to be. He was nice at dinner, and he'll probably be nice tonight, but I don't know if it's fake or not." She saw Anita about to interrupt, so she cut her friend off. "I know that you know it's genuine. Or, you think you do." Anita frowned a little. "My point is that I don't have enough proof just to let everything from the past go."

"Fine. I can understand, especially with how much I had complained about him." Anita saw her friend give her knowing look, and Anita brushed it aside. "Regardless, you don't have to frown so much. You're lucky that you didn't crack during service."

"Maybe, have him sit on the floor. Then, he doesn't have to see my frown." Anita sweatdropped and gave the look of not happening. "Fine. I'll try my best. Happy?"

"Yes. Besides, you're just having dinner with him. Then, you can do your own thing. We'll go do ours." (F/n) still didn't look pleased. "You don't have to watch over me, (f/n). I can take care of myself."

"... Fine. I won't stare at him until he breaks."

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