Unveil to Join

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


From his viewpoint, he just could see her. Anita was sitting on one of the chairs in the dining room by the kitchen and waiting. Lee remained still and watched her tap her left fingers against the tabletop. She hummed happily, and the menu was beside her. Occasionally, she'd glance at it, use the pen she brought with her and make changes to the old copy so that she knew what to write down on the new menu for tomorrow.

Personally, he was surprised that she hadn't changed into a more revealing outfit for Kaleb. She certainly liked to show (f/n) off to Tristan, which annoyed him immensely. Her lack of concern for (f/n) was vile. Then again, he supposed that Kaleb would be seeing her more often in her chef's attire if he was to become manager. Of course, that actually wouldn't happen. Both of them would be separated. Anita would lose everything dear to her, and Kaleb would look like a fool as would Tristan.

Frankly, he did want to kill all of them, but he could understand (f/n)'s points about the matter. If they were to die, she'd be the one to blame, not him. Even if he came alive in front of people, they might still frame (f/n) and simply term it a bizarre case to the public while they investigated further details in the background. (F/n) and he would be separated in that case too. She'd be put in prison, and he'd possibly become some lab rat. Not a desirable fate for either of them. Plus, (f/n) certainly didn't deserve that. As for him ... Well, his victims probably would love to see him experimented on.

When there was a knock on the door, she stood up and came over with a skip in her step. Their greeting amounted to Anita swinging her arms over Kaleb's shoulders and kissing him. His hands rested on her waist and pulled her closer. The temptation to take a decent-sized knife and shove it through both of them in one go was definitely there. A two-in-one combo and they'd be kept together just like they wanted. Hmm, maybe, that would be too nice of him. It would be too quick as well.

So instead, he watched Anita cling to Kaleb after the kiss as though she wasn't signing away her supposed friend's future away. Kaleb closed the door after him and took her hand in his, leading her back to the dining room. Good, he'd be able to hear them. He was half-expecting Anita to take Kaleb up to her bedroom. After another kiss, this one quicker than the last, Kaleb took a seat while Anita leaned against the tabletop.

"What news did you have for me?" A smug smirk was on his lips, though Anita saw it as teasing only, and he rested his chin against his knuckles. "Has (f/n) said anything more about Tristan?"

Giggling, Anita rolled her eyes. "She continues to pretend that she isn't interested." She shrugged. "But, she'll cave in eventually. Still, it's a good thing he's patient."

"Well, he does genuinely like her. He likes her business sense, and he finds her attractive." Kaleb smiled to her. "They're a good match. So, I'm happy that she likes him back."

Humming in agreement, Anita soon lost her smile and grew a little more serious. The change in her demeanor caught Kaleb's immediate attention. "But, what's wrong? I thought that it was good news you had to tell me." He looked concerned, but Lee suspected that it was because of financial worry, not actual concern for Anita.

"Well, Tristan's going through all this trouble, and I still haven't given you a definite answer." She rubbed her fingers together in thought and sighed gently. "It's unfair of me. So, I wanted to give you that answer today." Kaleb sat up straighter. Anita smiled to him a little. "And, I agree. I want you to become Café Rose Tea's new manager and invest in the company. It really will be beneficial, and I'm seeing more and more that (f/n) will be happy with Tristan."

Fatal Entrapment (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن