Stroll to Leave

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Personally, she would've stayed feeding the ducks the whole time, but they ran out of oats. They could just sit and talk, but she didn't want him to grow too comfortable and try anything, especially since there was no one else around the duck pond anymore or the nearby vicinity for that matter. That was concerning in its own right, and she shoved her hands into the pockets of her cardigan to hide her hands shaking a little. (F/n) felt only increasingly uncomfortable around him, and Anita abandoned her, though; that wasn't any surprise.

So, she opted to walk the park with him, making sure to stay on the path and take no shortcuts. It was quiet between them for a little bit, and she glanced around the park as though the scenery was the most fascinating thing in the world. Unfortunately, that didn't last long as Tristan did begin to engage her in conversation. "After work, what do you usually do to relax?" he questioned, hands in his beige jacket's pockets. She simply hummed in thought. "Or, do you prepare for the next day of work?"

Eventually, she shrugged. "Anita and I would have a drink and talk about the day, future plans and other such things." An awkward air grew around them, and he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sorry." She raised a brow and averted her eyes to him again. "Learning about Kaleb must've rough." It only had been the tip of the iceberg. "Sounds like you both did a lot together."

"Yeah," she sighed out and looked forward once more. "I decided to give Kaleb a chance, though." Her tone wasn't happy but accepting even if she despised her own words. "Like I'm giving you." Their eyes met for a moment, and his lips upturned into a small smile.

"Well, thank you, and, maybe," he diverted his eyes and smiled softly ahead a little, "I can visit you while Anita is spending time with Kaleb." His pace slowed down a bit since hers did. "If you'd like company." She had company, and he would have her back, not Tristan. Tristan turned around and faced her when she stopped walking entirely. A worried glance crossed his face when she started to laugh.

If she was being honest, her laugh would be out of disbelief. Instead, she forced herself to make it humorous. She smirked to him and was happy that he didn't seem to notice any of her emotions beneath the surface of her gaze. "Only the second time we're meeting up, and you already want to come over?" (F/n) quirked a brow. "You sure that you're not wanting another fling?" Her tone was joking, but she wouldn't be surprised if he did want to move things quickly.

"What?" he asked, caught off guard. His cheeks heated up, and he stuttered on his next words, making them incoherent. He took a couple of steps towards her. "No, I 'm not," he swiftly defended as he slowly realized how his words sounded. "Sorry, that was too bold of me."

No kidding. She didn't voice that thought, however. Instead, she wore a teasing smirk and walked past him in victory. "Yes, it was." He didn't know how to respond, and she wondered if she was making him furious on the inside. (F/n) spun on her heel when she didn't hear steps behind her. "You coming? Or, should I walk the rest of the way on my own?"

Snapping out of his stunned state, he closed the distance between them and walked next to her. Part of her wished that he had stayed put and let her go off, but she needed to drag him along. It was awful, and her stomach tightened horribly when she noticed how he walked closer to her now. "You're going to make this difficult on me, aren't you?" he asked, his voice sounding a little exhausted.

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