Pass to Discover

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop. 


The next day had seemed to drag on and on. No doubt, it had been because of the horrid sleep she had gotten. Having been woken up multiple times by her own dreams hadn't been pleasant, and it was annoying that the mannequin, though inanimate, was finding a way to trouble her even when she was resting. (F/n) had explained the nightmares to Anita. How her bathroom light had come on, how it had been crouched by her bathroom doorway and how its face had been right by her bed. Anita simply had stated that she needed to stop worrying so much and that the mannequin wasn't going to come to life and attack them. Since both of them were fine and she hadn't been attacked with an unlocked door, Anita reassured (f/n) that it had been nothing more than a nightmare.

Needless to say, the following night had proven Anita's words to be seemingly true. That night, (f/n) had received a peaceful rest. The next night was the same. After those two nights, the nightmares had returned, but they hadn't been too bad. Sometimes, a light in her room would wake her up, but she'd never be able to find the mannequin in her room. A few times, she thought that she had seen its shadow over by her desk, but when she had blinked, it was gone. Occasionally, she would hear light creaking, but she never saw it when she examined her room. When a whole week had gone by since the nightmare where its face had been by her bed, the nightmares stopped again.

During that whole time, the mannequin always would be where they had left it in the kitchen. It had been moved more into a corner, though, so that it wouldn't get in the way too much. Eventually, they'd get it a different outfit. For right now, the chef's attire worked, and it was fine in the kitchen, much to (f/n)'s relief. She was even more relieved when the nightmares didn't happen Friday night.

While she was relieved, he was frustrated. He had given her a few nights break in order to have her lower her guard again, but when he had started to move about her room and search for the code, he still couldn't find anything. She woke up several times during that, and she thankfully never looked too hard for him. The wonders of her being half asleep and believing her friend's words that she was dreaming certainly helped. In her tired mind, though, she might be thinking that she was looking extra hard for any sign of him being in there. Whatever the case, he still didn't have access to the small device. Instead, he found some rectangular small black box thing that opened up. There was what looked like typewriter keys but somewhat different inside, and there was a screen too. Some of the buttons, he had no idea what they meant. He eventually found the one that turned the thing on, some circle with a line down the middle, but after figuring out that the pad thing at the bottom of the keys moved the little white arrow around on the screen and clicking it, he found that he needed another code.

In other words, he was in the same position as with the smaller device since he couldn't find the code for that either, which meant that she had them memorized. He had checked around the building for any code in case she placed it somewhere else, but he couldn't find it. Unless she had hidden them somewhere that even he didn't know about in the structure, he doubted that he had missed them. Therefore, he might have to search for a code to Anita's device, but he didn't wish to risk going into her room, at least not yet. Finally, he had people that he could mess with after some time, and he didn't want to lose that by scaring them out of the building.

Given those details, he figured that he'd hold off on trying to find out more information through the small devices and that rectangular one for the moment. He'd have to ask (f/n) directly, and that would really ruin her idea that she had been dreaming all those previous nights. So that wasn't an option at the moment. Then again, what he had planned for tonight might ruin it, but he wasn't sure yet. If it did, then he might ask about the device's code, but he might still be able to get away with it if Anita didn't believe (f/n).

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