Chapter 1

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Julia P.O.V

I opened my eyes once again, for at least the tenth if not hundredth day in a row.

The cold hard floor had become my safe haven.

Whenever I was on the cold hard floor, I wouldn't be hurt or bothered. I would be alone with my thoughts, I would be able to close my eyes and dream of better days, when everything was better, when I was with my husbands and they loved me. I wasn't a pawn in their stupid game then, I was a human being.

The dark and stuffy atmosphere clouded my eyes.

Every day in this miserable place was exactly the same. They would wake me up, hose me down with loads of water, put me in a room and let any man whom wanted to, have their way with me. Afterwards they cleaned me up again, gave me a stale piece of bread before I was brought to another room. In that room they tried to impersonate Trevor by torturing me, but they genuinely weren't very good at it. They hurt me, that is true, they maimed me; that was true. But I was strong enough to withstand them.

The scent of piss and shit was engraved in my nostrils.

They didn't let me have a toilet, I shit and pissed myself. They tied me up against a pole here by the cold hard floor. The only time I would be cleaned was when I was painfully hosed down by a firefighter water hose.

The taste of semen was stuck in my throat.

The taste never left me, but then again, I didn't get enough food to be able to clear it down. I got a total of one liter of water a day to drink, so it wasn't that I could wash it away. The number of men that used and abused me was extraordinarily high. At first, I had resisted, and fully resisted, but that only brought me more pain and more suffering. Now, I just shut off my mind and let them have their fun while I thought of being in a happier place. At first, when I resisted, I was afraid that my holiness would be a problem with my husbands. If I wasn't holy for them anymore, they might not want to be with me anymore. I doubted for a very long time if that was the reason why they weren't saving me anymore, because they knew I'd been defiled. But I didn't want to let the doubts cloud my mind. If I started doubting that, then I would lose my sanity and myself.

Their screams were still ringing in my ear.

I can't remember the last time I heard Jude's laugh, seen her smile, seen her chest go up and down. I don't even remember what she looks like, the memory too painful. It had been weeks, maybe months or years, since she had been her happy self. My parents and sisters screams filled these haunted hallways and my mind every single day. I knew what happened to them, I could guess, I could see. They would forever and always be with me, until the day I would be lucky enough to die.

The only thing that kept me sane was the idea that my three husbands would one day save me, that they wouldn't forget me, that they thought about me as much as I thought about them. But time was passing by, the days all blurred together, and the hope in my body started to disappear with each damned breath I took. 


I decided to upload an extra chapter. Mainly because this is a very small one, which is cause it's an introduction to Julia's mindset at the moment.

We're back with Julia though! What do we think of her mindset at the moment? 

Tomorrow i'll post chapter 2! :) 

Locatlie: The End. (Book 7)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora