Chapter 42

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I opened my eyes and the knowing pain coursed through my body. I had once again gotten the sleepdrought, although it did make sense; I had been shot in my foot and it had broken some things. This combined with my trauma, it was good that they put the sleepdrought in me.

Just like the past billions of times that I had gone through something traumatic and gotten the sleepdrought, I looked up to see my three husbands sitting there. But, as if it was normal, I was once again disappointed with them not being by my side. I did realise I wasn't in Gotar right now; I was in Brusta. Maybe it was for the better though, because my mind did currently need a shit-ton of help.

I climbed out of bed and I walked towards the bathroom, well walking wasn't exactly what I was currently doing, as my foot was still in a cast. I stood in front of the mirror and I saw my face; it was all bloated and I looked exhausted. I walked to the shower and I cleaned myself up before climbing back into bed and I slept.

I did that for a week or so before I decided for myself that I needed to get help, so I visited Priestess Polly for three weeks. I went to the doctor as well and my cast was able to get off.

I had asked Polly where my husbands were, and she right away told me that they wished they could be here, but that the war between Chili and Argentina was still going on.

It had been two months, it being June right now, since that attack and even though my mind was fucked up, I wanted to be anywhere but here in Brusta. So, I said goodbye to Polly and I got into the car and I drove down Brusta mountain to go to Gotar. With the helicopter it would've gone by quicker, but I wanted to drive, I wanted to have some form of freedom and individuality.

The drive down Brusta mountain was about 10 hours and I decided to stay in a hotel in the village in between the two mountains. I was alone and didn't have security and I knew I would get shit for that by my kings, but I didn't care about any of that. I just wanted to live without thinking about what other people would think. The next day I started on the drive up Gotar mountain, which was a long ass drive, as the mountain was immensely steep so you had to go up a very long path; but I didn't mind. I loved it. When I arrived later that evening, it already being dark, at the last checkpoint with security, I didn't show my ID, but just my face. The security guy opened his eyes in shock.

"You can go through, my queen." He stammered and I nodded slowly at that as I continued to drive, arriving in the city center. I parked the car by the entrance of the kings castle path and I stepped out. I looked around at my surroundings, it being dark and grim, and I decided I had to go somewhere. I didn't want to go into the castle yet and be confronted by my kings, I didn't want to talk about everything, and I didn't want Trevor to be able to read my mind and know where my mind was at, what decision I had made. I walked through Gotar and after about an hour, I arrived at the statue of King Robert.

The beginning of the fuckedupness of my life with the kings, started here. If you ignored me being taken by them and locked up and all that stuff. I sat on the bench that was here and I looked at the statue, the moon in my view being just on top of it. I let out a small breath as I pulled up one knee; I was exhausted from the drive.

The sky started to fill itself with more stars and I kept looking at Robert with the moon in the background. I dozed off every now and then, but shook awake as my face fell from my knee. That kept repeating itself, but I didn't mind. I liked the feeling; I hated sleeping anyhow. My mind was filled with nightmare after nightmare and I hadn't slept peacefully in years anyhow. I looked at Robert whom I felt was staring back at me.

"Whats the purpose?" I sighed looking at him and he obviously didn't respond. I put my head back on the knee staring at the moon, thinking back of all the nights I had done that before. I closed my eyes and I drifted off into sleep, but I woke up as I heard loads of noise and movement. I opened my eyes; it was still dark out; it probably had been ten minutes max that I had dozed off. I heard loads of footsteps and I turned my head and my eyes widened as I saw about a hundred men in black clothing walking up. It looked exactly like it had done the first time I had been captured here by the statue of King Robert, and my heart beat like crazy. I slowly took steps backwards towards King Roberts statue, he must protect me right? I put my hand on my back, as I had a gun there and I kept my hand on it.

If they wanted to take me, they'd lose some men first. I wasn't going to let myself get caught, I wasn't going to be held hostage, if anybody wanted to take me, I'd kill people before they could get back to me. The last bullet was for myself, I wasn't going to be taken again. The men walked up towards me, but they kept their distance, but they did spread around me and I looked around and gulped. They were surrounding me and I held onto the gun immensely tight, my whole body shaking. After a while they stopped walking and it was eerily quiet as I looked around at the hundred men that were here and they were all staring back at me.

"Spread." I heard one man say after about two minutes and I frowned as four men then took a step sideways and my eyes widened even more as I saw the man whom saved me in all my dreams walking up.

It was just like all the epic movies. He was wearing a suit, his blonde hair going everywhere, and the look of pure power portrayed his face. The way he walked, showed that he was not to be fucked with.

I let out a deep scared breath as the men then stood back in their position as Trevor walked up to me and I kept staring at him in utter fear. He was observing me, and he right away saw that my right hand was hidden behind me and he frowned at that for a second as he walked up to me, it was quiet, why wasn't he saying anything? Had I done something wrong? Was I going to get punished?

He walked up to me very slowly, and when he was about four steps apart from me, the wind let his smell come to my nose, and it felt like home. My body slowly relaxed, but it was still alert. My whole body was still alert. He then took the last four steps forward and he held out his left hand and put it behind my body, his hand on my right hand, the hand that was holding the gun. He was immensely close to me and I looked up into those ocean blue eyes and he looked back at me.

"Let go of the gun Julia." He said and I stared back at him and I gulped.

Could I trust him?


Can Jules trust Trevor? What do y'all think will happen in the last couple of chapters?

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