Chapter 39

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"I want revenge for my wife, for my daughter, for my son, for my parents, for my sisters." He said as he walked up towards me slowly and I backed away a bit, but I was close to a tree, and I felt it behind me; I was stuck. I looked around for one brief second and I realised I couldn't walk away from this. I couldn't run. He would shoot me, and nobody would find me here. If they did, it would take hours before they found me.

"I know the feeling." I said absentmindedly as I looked back at him and he frowned a bit at that. "You're from the United States, right?" I said and he gave me a curt nod. "Yeah, I am too. But all that the United States has gotten me is a dead son, a dead daughter, three dead sisters, dead parents and being brutally tortured and raped for over a year." I said looking at him and he kept staring at me with that dead look. "To make matters even more shitty, the moment I come back I get confronted by the news that my husbands have all cheated on me. So, I can understand if you want revenge for your family. How did they die?"

"They lived in Houston; it was bombed during the war." He stammered. "I lived in LA with my family at first, but when the war started, the Davids they flew towards a place in Canada and told us not to live in a large city. So, we went towards a small village near Houston to find shelter. My wife is from there, I myself am from Georgia." He said, his gun still pointing to me. I nodded slowly at him. "They were all in the city for the day, thinking they wouldn't possibly bomb such a large city, but then they all died. They're all dead because of your husbands and because of you. You are the reason why my little girl is dead."

"I'm not." I said and he walked closer to me, the gun pointed to my head. I didn't want to die. What was the point of me surviving all the shit I've survived, only to die on this field as part of a revenge plot. Although, it would be poetic to die at the place where I saw Trevvie first. Man up Julia, you're not going to die here. Think fast.

"Shut up!" He yelled at me.

"No. Listen, it's not my fault. I wasn't part of the war or the calls that were made." I said looking at him and I suddenly thought of a plan, a plan that could actually work, it was probably the only way I could get out of this alive. "I was taken before that, I was in a prison in Russia, they kept me there. My husbands thought I was dead, that your president was taking me. It's their fault, not mine. I didn't- I swear. I wouldn't- the last thing I want is for people int his world ot live with the heartbreaking pain that I have to endure every single day. I lost my baby boy in my stomach; I lost my baby girl- she died right in front of my eyes." I said, tears streaming down my face. "I don't want war; I didn't want war at all. But if you had the power, if you had the power that my husbands had, and someone took your wife, you would do the same. I told them not to do it before, way before; to never kill millions of people for me, but they don't- my safety is most important to them."

"Then why are you here all alone. I overheard your conversation with one of them, you said you were here alone with security." He stammered and I looked into his brown eyes, and I saw the hopelessness in his eyes.

"Because I'm stubborn and stupid. I don't learn. I don't learn from my mistakes." I stammered tears streaming down my face. "But killing me isn't going to help you. You will be found and you will get locked up for it. You saw what they did to Jason when they thought that he had me, can you imagine what they would do to the man that killed me?" I stammered looking at him. "If you stop now, if you- I won't tell anyone. I can understand your pain, I can understand that you're hurt, that you want to inflict revenge on the assholes that killed your family, or were indirectly responsible. But killing me will only make your life harder. Trust me." I said and he looked at me and I saw that he was conflicted with what to do.

"Take me to them." He said and I frowned looking at him for a second. "Take me to them and make them promise not to lock me up." He spat and my eyes widened at that.

"No- if I do that." I said and the metal on my forehead went into my forehead tighter. "They'll know and they won't stop until they get you. Trust me on that please." I begged as I put my hands on his arms to steady myself. "If you leave now, I won't tell anyone, I swear. If you leave now and let me pick up the phone." I said; it ringing over and over again.

"No. It's too late now." He said and my eyes widened in fear. "It's too late. They'll know. You'll know. I will get punished for this. The only way you will get out of here alive, is if you take me to them. I will exchange you for my freedom." He said and he took a step backwards, his gun still pointing to me. "Pick up the phone, put it on speakerphone and say you're going to them. Arrange that. I will be your security guard. If they at any point- if they at ANY point figure out what is going on, anybody, not just your kings." He rambled and I stared at him in fear. "Then you're dead and the moment I land, I kill your husbands too. Understood?" he said.

"He'll know something is wrong if I go to them right now."

"Figure it out." He snapped at me and he handed me the phone and he kept the gun to my head and I gulped and I let out a small breath as I picked up the phone and put it on speaker.

"For fucks sake, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Trevor yelled at me. "Why didn't you pick up the past fucking fifteen minutes, I thought you were dead, or accidentally tripped over a rock down a fucking landscape or some shit." Trevor said and I looked at the guy and he stared back at me.

"I was just going for a calm walk and I decided I wanted to come to Gotar." I said and Trevor's breathing changed right away and I had this feeling that he knew something was up.

"Are you alone?" Trevor demanded right away and the guy put the gun to my head even harder.

"Yeah." I said, Seglusa I hoped that Trevor remembered the conversation I had had with him stating that if I said 'yes' then I was saying the truth, while if I said 'yeah', that I was taken by someone and had to pretend to be alone. This had all been part of Queen training. But hewouldn't forget that would he? Well he forgot to keep his dick in his pants too? "I'm alone. I don't want to be alone anymore. I want to come home Trevor. Can you arrange a plane that goes up in half an hour and make sure that somebody gets my stuff ready for in the plane?" I said as I looked at the guy whom was looking at me.

"Yeah. Ok. Are you sure? You sound immensely upset?"

"Yeah. I'm sure." I said and the guy gave me a look and I frowned. "Wait a second Trevor, I have to go down something really quickly, one second." I said and I muted myself and I looked at the man.

"Tell them to await you at the airstrip or whatever. I want them near me, no security!" He yelled. "NO. Security." He added.

"I'll try." I stammered and I unmuted myself, my whole body shaking. "Can you be at the landing strip when I land? You and William and Hugo. I've missed the three of you so much" I said, adding a sigh and Trevor was quiet for a bit. "Trev?"

"Yeah, I'm still here. Yeah sure. Yeah. I've got the plane ready for you right now." He said and I nodded slowly at that looking at the man. "I'll see you soon ok? I've got to get to work. I'll make sure all your stuff is ready in the plane."

"Great. See you soon." I said and I closed my eyes for a second. "I love you Trevor." I said and I then hung up the phone. "I did what you asked, let's go."

"We're going to the airstrip right now. If you give anyone a hint of what is going on, I will shoot you and anyone that is close to me, before shooting myself. Do you understand that?" he said and I nodded at that, gulping.

Why couldn't I just have a year of peace and quietness?


Poor Julia. She can't get a break can she? How do you think this will all go? Do you think Trev knows whats up? Will everyone survive?

We're almost at the end of the story.... How do you think it will end?

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