Chapter 33

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Julia P.O.V

I looked at my own reflection and I bit my lip not knowing how to react to it. I was wearing a beautiful red dress that fit perfectly with my body and the theme of tonight. My hair, which was blonde, was straight and styled to perfection. My lips were slightly red and I turned my head sideways as I took my own reflection in. After a couple of minutes of looking at myself I realised why I was so entranced by myself; I looked exactly like the most beautiful woman known in this world; my mother.

A knock on the door disrupted my doubts and fears. "Come in." I said absentmindedly as I turned my body a bit. This dress was tighter than I was used too; sexier even. This wasn't ad dress that a queen would normally wear, and yet it felt like it fit well with me.

"You look stunning." Hugo said and I looked in the mirror blinking before looking at him.

"Is it not too much?" I said as the dress hit just above the knees and it were spaghetti straps. He wasn't looking at my dress anymore, but at my face right now.

"No. It's perfect." He said almost breathlessly and I couldn't help but smile a bit. "I uhm." He said and he cleared his throat and looked away from my bum which he had been looking at now, looking at my face. I turned around to make it easier for him as I got handed a tiara from one of my assistants. "I just had Trev on the phone. There is some international crisis or whatever which he is dealing with so he won't be here tonight." He said very carefully and I frowned as they placed the tiara on me.

"Why would he have to deal with it?" I said, annoyance in my voice. I didn't know why that was the case; well yes, I did, I missed the shits out of him. But my pride and my anger were still in control of my emotions.

"He's in Gotar. He said that we would be debriefed tomorrow and that we should enjoy tonight." He said and I nodded slowly at that. "Shall we go?" he asked very carefully and I bit my lip as I turned my head again.

"I don't want to wear a tiara." I said casually as I took it off, my stylists looking at me shocked. "The dress is enough." I added.

"No tiara then." He said and I turned around again to look at him and I then took him in; he was wearing a simple suit and I smiled very widely at that as I walked up to him to adjust his tie. He right away put his hands on my lower back, his thumbs by my bum.

"You look annoyingly hot." I said as I gave him a quick peck and he smiled very widely at that. "Did Heather arrive yet?" I then said as I finished his tie and I rubbed his shoulder.

"I heard that everyone has arrived." He confirmed and I nodded. He had told me last week that Heather and Charlotte were invited to Lucas' birthday party. I didn't mind as much. That was all in the past.

In the past month, Hugo and I had grown even closer together. I even, after a week, decided I wanted to spend the night sexually with him every other night. And this wasn't only because my body craved him; I trusted him with my whole life, and my body.

The party was a semi formal party on the castles grounds. Hundreds of people around Locatlie were invited and I was very excited about it. The fact that Trev wouldn't come did upset me, but at the same time it was good that he gave the time for me to work on my relationship with Will and Hugo, before I opened the mental fuckedupness that Trev and I had at the moment.

Will and I had grown slightly closer together in the past month. We had had loads of conversations in the past weeks. Every other night I'd spend with him, but we had done nothing more than very brief make out sessions, the rest of the night we would sleep or have deep conversations. We were growing closer together and we were slowly becoming whom we had once been. Bath time, our holy thing, we hadn't done yet. He had not offered and I hadn't either. I think we both knew that until both of us were comfortable with one another, or mainly I was comfortable with him, that it couldn't happen.

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