Chapter 31

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"Do you want to go to my-our bed? Or do you want to sleep by yourself or?" William said an hour later. I had sat up after a while and sat against him, my head on his chest and his arm around my shoulder, and we read while holding hands.

"I want to cuddle." I confirmed and he nodded slowly at that as he pressed a kiss on my temple.

"Then that is what my wife gets." He said and I smiled very widely at that as I put my head against his head. "Shall we go now? We can read in bed?"

"Sure." I said and I stood up and I stretched and I then felt his arms around my waist and before he could tighten the grip, I turned around in his arms, put my arms around his neck and I held onto him tightly, my head in his neck. His body started to shake slightly and I could feel him crying against my shoulder and tears appeared in my eyes too. I backed away after a while, even if every fiber in my body told me to not do that, and I put my hands on his cheeks and wiped the tears from his face and he looked at me with that cute smile of his.

"Let's go cuddle." I said and he nodded as I grabbed my book and he grabbed his as we walked through the castle hand in hand. When we arrived in his bedroom I went towards the closet. "I'm stealing one of your shirts." I said carefully and he showed me the biggest smile ever and I sighed. "stoooop."

"What?" he asked innocently.

"You know exactly what you're doing." I replied calmly and I took off my clothes and put a shirt of his on. I walked back into the bedroom and he was already laying in bed, or half sitting. He looked up and did a double take before he looked down at his book again. I grabbed my book and I slid into the bed next to him. He put his arm around my shoulder again and I put my head against his chest as I put one of my legs in between his and he smiled. We read our books in silence and after a while he gave my shoulder a kiss and I smiled as I put my head against his.

"I have to tell you something." He said after a while and I turned my head to look at him. "We told Polly to tell you, but she said that if you were here when it would happen, it was better if you heard it from one of us."

"Ok?" I said confused and he let out a small breath.

"Lucas is celebrating his 69th birthday in a month." He said and I nodded slowly looking at him. "He's invited his college friends which includes."

"Bob Davids." I finished for him and he nodded very slowly. I looked away from William as I felt a tad of panic arise in my body. Not only because he was the father of Jason Davids, he had been my father's best friend ever since they were kids.

"And Bob has agreed to coming as long as he can bring Brian Jefferson." He started and I closed my eyes; he was my father's twin brother. "And Peter Petrol." Another best friend. "They're arriving and staying here for two weeks, along with their wives." He said carefully and I nodded slowly at that as I let out a deep breath. "Are you ok?" He asked after ten seconds as I had been staring ahead, not really focusing on anything or thinking about anything.

"I- Yeah." I said nodding slowly. "If one of you is with me at all times, I'll be ok." I said and I closed my book, placing it on his nightstand, having to lean over him. But that meant that I could stay like that; my arm around his chest now, and I put my legs in between his. "As long as you're there with me, I'll be more than fine." I whispered softly as I put my hand from his chest to his neck to play with this hair.

"I'm not going anywhere." He said as he put his book down and let himself lay down a bit more as he turned off the light. "I'll be here if you need me, forever and always." He whispered softly and I nodded as I then put my other leg through his and I felt his jaw moving meaning he was smiling.

"You smell good." I said after a while and I had a curl of his in my fingers and I twisted it around one of my fingers. "So good." I sighed dramatically and he pressed a kiss on the top of my head. "But it's going to take some time for me to trust you." I said calmly and he let out a small breath.

"Take all the time you need and more." He replied. "And I want to let you know that I don't." he stopped for a second. "I understand why you needed Hugo and I understand that you're going to be in a lot of pain until you are ready to forgive Trevor, because he's your one." He said and I closed my eyes a small smile appearing on his face. "And I respect whatever you do with your body, with your mind, I just want you to be happy. Because of our country's customs, you've had a shitty life."

"But without your country's customs, I wouldn't be laying here with you." I whispered as I felt sleep taking me. "And I've had a taste of what my life would be without you Will, and it's rather pointless and boring to be honest." I said and he chuckled at that. "I'm serious."

"I know, I just love your way with words." He whispered softly and I giggled at that a bit.

"I love you." I whispered back.

"I love you too." He whispered back as he kissed the top of my head. "Good night my love."

"Good night my love." I replied as the sleep then took me and that night I had a recurring dream that I had had for the past weeks.

Trevor was in Gotar and he was hurting people and after a while in the dream I realised that I was the one hurting people. Every night I saw the two of us together and it haunted me. 


Jules and Will are slowly growing closer together. Is Julia close to forgiving him you think? Julia is having dreams again! What does it mean? 

King Lucas is throwing a party and Bob Davids (Jason's father) will be at the party. What kind of drama will that result into?

Good news; the next chapter is a Trevor-POV chapter. We'll finally figure out what on earth is going on in that mind of Trev!

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