Chapter 34

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"If you want, we can wait?" William said looking at me, but I couldn't respond as I looked at the twin brother of my father. He was slightly shorter and less 'large' so to speak, but from the side he looked exactly like him. Even the way his nose was slightly curved. "Love?" William repeated and I looked at him. "We can go to Lucas later, if you want?"

"No. No. I need to. No." I said as I looked at the elder version of Jason Davids; and that was what he was. He looked exactly like his son, but then the elder version.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I looked at William and his brown eyes met my grey.

"I am." I said and he nodded as I then grabbed his hand and we walked through some people. I only noticed that Steven was laughing with Lucas and Bob about something, but he stopped as he saw William and I walking up. He spit out his wine a bit and William couldn't help but laugh.

"She's my wife dad, don't even think about it." William said and I then felt the whole 'party' of the US delegation turning around looking at me, me ignoring that.

"Happy birthday. As Trev would probably say; this year is going to be the most hilarious and sex joke filled year." I said to Lucas as I held out my arms and Lucas showed me the biggest smile ever.

"Jules. It's great to see you." Lucas said and I put my arms around his shoulders and he hugged me back. I put my head back. "How are you sweetie?" He said grabbing my face and I smiled very widely looking into those familiar blue eyes.

"I'm better." I confirmed and he nodded.

"Good. Good. I'm sorry that Trev couldn't come. I'm sure you were secretly wishing he would come over so you could be all passive aggressive." Lucas said and I laughed very loudly at that and nodded as I then saw Steven whom smiled very widely and I hugged him tightly.

"I had some zingers planned indeed." I confirmed. "You look great Steve." I said and Steven stared at me amused. "I just realised I used my mental nickname out loud."

"It's fine." Steven said with a huge smile. "You look lovely yourself, my queen."

"O shush." I said waving it away and William smiled looking at me.

"Julia, I'd like you to meet Bob Davids." Lucas said very carefully and I looked at Lucas for a second with a small amused smile before turning around to look at Bob Davids, whom was staring at me with tears in his eyes. I looked next to him for a second and I frowned as I saw a woman that looked like him, but reminded me of someone else.

"And his sister Mae Davids." Lucas said. "Whom is married to Brian Jefferson." He said pointing to them and Brian was staring at me with tears in his eyes as well. "Then Lily Davids, the wife of Bob. I've known her equally as long as Bob. They've been together ever since they were 15." He explained and I nodded slowly. "Peter Petrol and his wife Gigi Petrol."

"Your brother John." I said pointing to Mae. "That's who you remind me of."

"You met John?" Mae stammered after clearing her throat.

"Yeah, at the music festival thing that we went to." I said to William whom stared at me amused. "He bumped into me. Reminded me loads of Trevor in the way he acted." I said and William stared at me and there was amusement in his eyes, I then looked at Lucas. "do you get what I mean?"

"I do. He has that bad boy demeanour." Lucas said with a huge smile.

"But then again, Trevor feels like home, and apparently John was my stepfather for a while so you know." I said and I saw Lucas showing the biggest smile ever as I looked at Brian now, daring to really look at him. Tears were slowly streaming down his face. I grabbed Williams glass of wine and I took a sip and I nodded. "We have the same eyeshape."

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