Chapter 48

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"You ready babe?" Trevor asked as I was standing in front of the mirror looking at my own reflection with a tad of doubt. I turned my head and the way Trevors eyes shone, all the doubt in my body disappeared. "Stop it." He said right away and I stared at him with a small smile as he walked up to me, placing his hands on my waist. I put my arms around his shoulders, my hands in his hair. "You're perfection." He said giving me a peck. "Shall we go? I don't want to be rude, but I have sort of been waiting for this day for years."

"Have you?" I asked as I put my hands on his chest now. "Well, lets go then, don't want to disappoint." I said as I turned around and he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, his lips by my ear.

"You. Will. Never. Disappoint. Me." He said, giving me a kiss on my neck with each word. I giggled and nodded as I started to walk but my whole body was numb. Trevor stopped me, stood in front of me, making me laugh. I jumped on his back, my arms around his shoulders and I gave his cheeks loads of kisses.

"What time is it?" I whispered in his ear as we were in the elevator.

"Six am." He replied amused and I giggled as we walked through the hallway. "How is your foot by the way?" He asked as we got in the second elevator. I held my right foot up, the one that was shot.

"It's good. He luckily didn't damage too many bones. Walking was hard at first, but yeah. Used to it." I said and he looked sideways at me with a frown. "Every day they would carve the bottom of my feet. That way I would never be able to run away if there was an opportunity." I said and he looked ahead and I saw some anger in his eyes. "But I'm back now and I've got you, Hugo and Will to protect me forever." I said giving his shoulder a small kiss.

"That is very true." He commented as we got into the 'train' to B2. He laid down a tad, as I was on his back. I kept my arms over his shoulders and my legs around him. I traced his chest a bit, giving his shoulders loads of kisses.

"What do you want to do to them?" He asked as he rubbed my arms, his head back to look at me.

"I think a nice dickcutting ceremony would be nice. I want the dramatics to be at its highest." I said and the biggest smile appeared on his face.

"I love you." He said and I giggled as I gave him a peck and I rubbed his chest a bit more, cause he felt so good. "Do you also want action with Spikey?" He asked as I was licking his neck and sucking on it. The idea we would be there together again and talking about our revenge plan, made me so fucking horny.

"I do." I said as my hands lowered a bit more. "Maybe, as an extra form of torture." I whispered as I bit his ear, his dick visibly happy about my physical action. "We could show them how it's really done?" I suggested.

"How what is done?" He said as I opened one button of his shirt and then the other. We were in this train alone.

"Fucking." I said and I saw his dick twitch at my words.

"If my wife wants that, who am I to say no?" He said and I laughed as I opened another button.

"Yes, you really seem like you don't want it." I suggested, leaning forward a bit and grabbing his dick above his pants.

"My dick and I live different lives love." He said and I then slapped his dick hard. "HEY" He yelled swearing, but the biggest smile on his face.

"Don't. Call. Me. Love." I said sternly and he turned his head around to look at me.

"Or what?" He said and I gave him a sad look.

"I'll hang you next to them." I whispered and he laughed very loudly at that and I giggled. "Did you manage to get a room for all of them."

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