Chapter 21

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The car doors opened again and William and Hugo walked into the car. Normally William sat next to me, but he went and sat next to Trevor, as Hugo sat next to me. "Julia?" Hugo said carefully. "You are allowed to join us, but I have to sit next to William." He said carefully and I looked at him for a second. "So, you have to sit in between William and Trevor."

"That's fine." I said looking out the window as tears were in my eyes and my hands were shaking as the car started to drive.

They hated me. Why did they hate me? All I wanted was some time away from them to process everything. Why couldn't they understand that? Why would they be angry at me for wanting to deal with everything?

"Why are you shaking?" Trevor snapped at me and I closed my eyes at that. The car stopped in front of the town hall.

"Because just like he said; you hate me." I said calmly as I opened the car door myself and I stepped out before he could respond to it with lies. I closed the door behind me and I saw that the photographers were going crazy. My husbands walked out through the other side of the door and I felt a hand on my back and I looked down alarmed at it, until I saw that it was Hugo. He pressed a kiss on my temple and I then lowered my hand and grabbed his and held onto it tightly. We walked up the stairs before arriving at the large hall that was here where the dinner had taken place. There were three large circular tables with a podium of sorts on the north side with a microphone.

"Where are we?" I asked Hugo and he pointed to the front and I nodded at that as we walked towards the end of it.

"Here you go." Hugo said pointing to my chair and I sat down, not realising that every leader had stood up the moment I walked in. I saw that there was a notebook there for me and two pens. There were three tablets here in front of us, one for each king. Trevor went and sat down to the right of me, William and Hugo on the left for me. Trevor looked immensely distraught but I didn't care about that. He grabbed the notebook that was laying here and he wrote something down and then passed the notebook to me. I frowned as I looked at it.

"I don't hate you. I could and will never hate you. Why do you think I do? Who said I would?" 

I looked at that and back up at him but he was staring ahead. Did he really want to do that here? I sighed as I grabbed my pen and I realised I was right and he was left and he had his hand next to the notebook with the pen and he seemed to realise the same thing and a small smile appeared on his face.

"I need time to deal with everything. You seem to not want to give it to me. You're frustrated that I need it. 

Jason did."

I wrote and the meeting then started with Hugo starting it off. I looked at Hugo talking and I then observed everyone that was here, they were either looking down at the tablet, or at Hugo. I looked at the Tablet and I saw that I could see there what the world was seeing and I smiled at that amused. I looked down at the notepad and Trevor had written something down.

"Fuck Jason first of all. He's a fucking asshole and anything he told you is a complete lie.

I'm not angry at you. I'm angry at myself. I understand why you need time, but at the same time I'm frustrated because we've already lost so much."

I frowned at that as I wrote down "So you don't blame me for the death of your sister and Ollie?' And then under it. 'Time to make heirs or what?'.

He read that and he then looked at me and he looked fucking fuming and he shook his head. William was staring at Trevor and I writing things down with some amusement before looking back at Hugo whom was welcoming everyone.

Locatlie: The End. (Book 7)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora