Chapter 19

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The doors opened and I heard some commotion and whispers. I walked towards the end of the balcony, resting my hands on the side and I looked ahead powerfully. I could see in the bottom of my vision that everyone was standing and gawking at me. I also heard some gasps; which was my intention.

I knew that this blood red look would do exactly what it intended; it shocked everyone and that was exactly my intention. I also knew that my body in this light would be highlighted and put on a magnifying glass. I knew that the dark red also brought out the red of my scars on my arms, and I knew that everyone could already see I was missing a finger.

I decided to look down now, at where my heart knew my husbands were.

My eyes then met the brown of Hugo's and there were tears in his eyes. My grey then met William's green and he decided not to give a shit anymore and there was a huge smile on his face. Trevor's blue met mine then, and he also had a huge smile on his face as he looked at me. That angered me though, and that helped my demeanor, but it did not help with my progress.

To add some dramatics to this situation, I flicked my hair from my shoulders and I turned my head towards the stairs. It was immensely silent in the room, the only thing you could hear was the band softly playing classical music in the background. Everyone's eyes were on me, and that is exactly what I wanted. I walked down the stairs, my hand with four fingers on the railing to make sure that everyone could see what they had done to me.

When I arrived at the bottom, I almost wanted to smile as I saw Hugo standing there, holding out his hand to help me. I looked at him, into those brown eyes, and that's when the wall I had put up disappeared for one brief second as my eyes lit up. Those brown eyes would be able to hurt me over and over again, as long as I got the time to look into those brown eyes.

I looked away from those brown eyes though and looked into the audience, waiting for everyone to kneel for me. My husbands sisters, whom all looked as stunning as always, were standing on the right of this huge ball room and they understood right away what I was expecting and they bowed down on one knee. That seemed to give a domino effect and everyone kneeled for me. I turned my head sideways as I saw that there was a table where my husbands were sitting with their fathers. To my huge surprise, all five of them had kneeled for me now too. I looked at the seven chairs that were here, as I saw a waitress quickly walking away and I squinted for a second. I saw that the fathers of my kings were sitting on the left, and that on the right my kings were. Normally it would be Hugo, William, Me, and lastly Trevor. But I really was not in the mood to sit next to Trevor.

I walked towards the chairs and decided to sit on the designated seat of William. Hugo gave me this confused look, wondering why I was sitting on William's chair, but I gave him the look back with 'I know what I'm doing'. He gave me a curt nod before kneeling as well. The moment I sat down, everyone stood up and I could feel everyone staring at me. I ignored that though as I saw Williams glass in front of me and it was red wine. I grabbed it and took a sip. William went and sat on my designated seat, and the rest of the kings shortly followed.

"I'm happy that you're here, my queen." William said in his curtly fashion and I couldn't help but smile a bit.

"Great entrance, very dramatic." Trevor added, which made the smile disappear off of my face.

"I would not miss a party, now would I?" I replied casually as I took another sip. "Has everyone been informed of the customs of the Locatlie royal house?"

"Everyone has gotten an itinerary with the customs and the rules. They have all agreed to uphold it. One of the most important rules is that if the Queen of Locatlie is present at any event, she will not be spoken to or bothered, without being told 'You may address'." Hugo replied and I raised my eyebrow to look at everyone in the hall. People had stopped staring at me now and were softly conversing with one another. "The kings of Locatlie do not have to abide to those rules." He added, sensing my confusion.

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